View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006534Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit Viewpublic2014-07-24 12:25
ReporterBouchart Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.40.01 
Fixed in Version0.40.05 
Summary0006534: Wild animals and invaders appear as "missing" on missing/dead tab
DescriptionA manera and a Wraith of Shadow randomly appears as Missing under the U screen's missing/dead tab. I haven't breached the caverns or hell yet.
Steps To ReproduceRun fortress mode for any length of time.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0006595 resolveduser6 Dead/Missing menu includes wrong creatures. 
has duplicate 0006686 resolveduser11 Demon of Flame shown as missing 
has duplicate 0007278 resolveduser6 dead crow men are listed as missing, even though their corpses are in plain view 
has duplicate 0007406 resolveduser11 unrevealed units are marked as missing when they die 
has duplicate 0007603 resolvedlethosor Units killed by military show up as missing instead of deceased 
has duplicate 0007631 resolvedlethosor Revealed missing creatures from not explored caves 
has duplicate 0008851 resolveduser11 Enemies killed by military reported as missing instead of deceased 
related to 0007439 resolvedToady One Invaders still listed as missing after their corpses have been retrieved 



2014-07-07 19:13

reporter   ~0024892

I can confirm this. This is probably because we haven't found the corpses yet, if we found the corpse, it'd probably become deceased.

I can also confirm that HFS creatures are coming up too, when I haven't reached HFS either.


2014-07-07 19:27

reporter   ~0024895

Also, special thing to note, some birds are just spontaneously quitting flying in mid-flight, leading to their deaths.


2014-07-07 19:34

manager   ~0024899

I killed a dingo on a fresh embark and it shows up as "missing" as well, so I don't think it's related to finding the corpse.


2014-07-07 20:16

reporter   ~0024908

Can also confirm. Despite not encountering any caverns or caves, I have a Cave Dragon listed as missing in my embark


2014-07-07 20:35

manager   ~0024916

The midflight deaths are covered by 0006545.


2014-07-07 21:55

reporter   ~0024925

I can confirm, I have a number of kea and crundles (the kea I mostly killed) listing as missing, havent reached the caverns.


2014-07-08 08:17

reporter   ~0025037

I have a few Snow Brutes listed as missing, well before a basic outpost is established, let alone HFS breached.


2014-07-09 12:30

reporter   ~0025366

I had a troglodyte and a Troll in my fort, turns out they were killed by antpeople. Isn't specific to unseen animals either, a zombie and echidna my militia killed in a different fort are missing as well.

Amena Ralikema

2014-07-17 13:11

reporter   ~0026775

My militia just killed a human pikeman. Despite the fact that the death was well-witnessed, the pikeman is listed as "missing". The only creatures listed as deceased are the animals I've butchered.

I think that there are two separate issues here. I suggest changing the bug title/summary.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-07 19:06 Bouchart New Issue
2014-07-07 19:13 ANormalUsername Note Added: 0024892
2014-07-07 19:27 ANormalUsername Note Added: 0024895
2014-07-07 19:34 lethosor Note Added: 0024899
2014-07-07 20:16 slwstctt Note Added: 0024908
2014-07-07 20:35 lethosor Note Added: 0024916
2014-07-07 21:55 AseaHeru Note Added: 0024925
2014-07-08 07:04 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0006595
2014-07-08 08:17 Paphi Note Added: 0025037
2014-07-08 11:47 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0006686
2014-07-09 12:30 palu Note Added: 0025366
2014-07-14 08:54 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007278
2014-07-16 20:51 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0007406
2014-07-17 13:11 Amena Ralikema Note Added: 0026775
2014-07-18 08:05 user6 Summary Wild animals appear as "missing" on missing/dead tab => Wild animals and invaders appear as "missing" on missing/dead tab
2014-07-18 08:06 user6 Relationship added related to 0007439
2014-07-24 06:58 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0007603
2014-07-24 12:25 Toady One Status new => resolved
2014-07-24 12:25 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-07-24 12:25 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-24 12:25 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2014-07-25 15:01 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0007631
2015-03-09 16:06 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0008851