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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006571Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Immigrationpublic2014-07-13 12:59
ReporterGentlefood Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMacBook ProOSWindows 7 64bitOS VersionSP1
Product Version0.40.01 
Fixed in Version0.40.03 
Summary0006571: Large influx of babies from multiple civilizations, eventually causes crash
DescriptionI happened to check out my 'other' tab and I notice I have a rather large group of foreign babies somewhere in my embark. I cannot seem to jump to their location either.
Steps To ReproduceUnknown. Perhaps given enough time in an embark?
Additional InformationI swear I'm not a snatcher civ
Tagsbaby, friendly, immigrants, invader


has duplicate 0006648 resolvedlethosor Baby Invasion 
has duplicate 0006702 resolveduser6 Fort gets sieged by invisible friendly elf/human babies 
has duplicate 0006813 resolveduser1294 Babies appearing in Units - Other 
has duplicate 0007090 resolveduser11 Baby invasion and tab crash 
has duplicate 0007153 resolveduser6 Winter has come...with allot of visiting babies. 
has duplicate 0007199 resolveduser6 Game crashes when leaves starts falling. 
has duplicate 0007218 resolveduser6 Game consistently crashing in DF mode 
related to 0006807 resolvedToady One Crash when pressing Tab to view minimap 



2014-07-07 22:56

reporter   ~0024939

Just manually checked all visible locations of the embark. Cannot locate babies.


2014-07-07 23:20

reporter   ~0024943

Babies siege? :D

Actually maybe you embarked on top of underground tunnel or some underground site and the babies live there?


2014-07-07 23:24

reporter   ~0024945

Unlikely. This embark has been around for almost two years and the babies only appeared recently. Oddly enough after retiring and unretiring the babies 'disappeared' only to slowly return to the other tab.


2014-07-08 00:24

reporter   ~0024955

I can confirm, 15~ babies of various civs all on my site, not even midwinter of the first year.


2014-07-08 06:49


Please upload a save to and post the link here.


2014-07-08 09:21

reporter   ~0025059

Last edited: 2014-07-08 10:52

Having difficulties uploading the save to keep getting a server error when attempting to upload the file.

EDIT: Just got the upload to work.


2014-07-08 13:02

reporter   ~0025133

Got the exact same issue here, but the babies appeared right after I was sieged by 2 (yes, only two) undead goblin swordsmen. Then a wave of 11+ babies appeared on my units screen, but nowhere to be found.


2014-07-08 18:04

manager   ~0025194

Last edited: 2014-07-08 18:05

An interesting thing about that save is that there is one baby visible under the "citizens" tab. It can't be zoomed to either, but its relationships can be viewed, and neither of its parents exist in the fortress (that is, they're not listed at all). One suggested explanation is that these babies are born in the outside world (see, although it doesn't explain why not all of them are listed under the "other" tab.


2014-07-08 19:11

reporter   ~0025212

Last edited: 2014-07-08 19:27

They appear to seemingly randomly disappear off and then reappear onto the other units page. On occasion I'll see them in the citizens tab as well. The save was actually taken after I had retired and then unretired the fort to attempt to investigate the legends page. So they're all unloaded from the screen. If you run the fort for a season or perhaps shorter they'll begin to reappear.


2014-07-09 09:19

reporter   ~0025324

I am getting this as well. At times I have close to 100, and it's giving me a serious FPS hit.


2014-07-09 13:37

reporter   ~0025376

Seeing the same thing here. The number is steadily climbing at a couple new ones every minute, and after about 45-50 of them, my FPS has dropped significantly and continues to go down with each new baby.


2014-07-11 16:13


horsefeathers has this save from 0007090:


2014-07-12 12:19

reporter   ~0026008

I've noticed the babies are of all races, and also begin to appear exactly 9 months after embark. Guessing these are babies born in the outside world getting incorrectly linked to the fort?


2014-07-12 12:25

reporter   ~0026011

Last edited: 2014-07-12 12:30

Does anyone checked legend mode?


2014-07-12 13:57

reporter   ~0026021

I checked the legends page on my save, could not locate them as historical figures.


2014-07-12 15:37

reporter   ~0026036

Maybe they dont even exist and are only "virtual babies"

Toady One

2014-07-12 16:59

administrator   ~0026055

I suspect they come from the births that happen around the world, and they've already caused the tab crash (fixed for next time). I'm hoping to also stop the babies entirely for next time, but first I have to see if my suspicion is borne out.

Toady One

2014-07-12 17:05

administrator   ~0026057

Yeah, the mystery babies were the historical births of the world. All of them. They didn't get their location set, but they were "put into play", so they got on the unit list.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-07 22:52 Gentlefood New Issue
2014-07-07 22:56 Gentlefood Note Added: 0024939
2014-07-07 23:20 Rafal99 Note Added: 0024943
2014-07-07 23:24 Gentlefood Note Added: 0024945
2014-07-07 23:55 Gentlefood Tag Attached: baby
2014-07-07 23:57 Gentlefood Tag Attached: friendly
2014-07-07 23:57 Gentlefood Tag Attached: immigrants
2014-07-07 23:57 Gentlefood Tag Attached: invader
2014-07-08 00:24 AseaHeru Note Added: 0024955
2014-07-08 06:49 user6 Note Added: 0025014
2014-07-08 06:49 user6 Assigned To => user6
2014-07-08 06:49 user6 Status new => feedback
2014-07-08 08:59 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0006648
2014-07-08 09:21 Gentlefood Note Added: 0025059
2014-07-08 09:21 Gentlefood Status feedback => assigned
2014-07-08 10:52 Gentlefood Note Edited: 0025059
2014-07-08 12:58 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0006702
2014-07-08 13:02 sepehrnoor Note Added: 0025133
2014-07-08 18:04 lethosor Note Added: 0025194
2014-07-08 18:05 lethosor Note Edited: 0025194
2014-07-08 19:11 Gentlefood Note Added: 0025212
2014-07-08 19:27 Gentlefood Note Edited: 0025212
2014-07-09 06:10 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0006813
2014-07-09 09:19 peacemaker636 Note Added: 0025324
2014-07-09 13:37 dglidden Note Added: 0025376
2014-07-11 16:13 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0007090
2014-07-11 16:13 user11 Note Added: 0025873
2014-07-11 16:13 user11 Sticky Issue No => Yes
2014-07-12 12:19 tier6tank Note Added: 0026008
2014-07-12 12:25 Saram-61-97-kon Note Added: 0026011
2014-07-12 12:30 Saram-61-97-kon Note Edited: 0026011
2014-07-12 13:57 Gentlefood Note Added: 0026021
2014-07-12 14:01 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007153
2014-07-12 15:37 Saram-61-97-kon Note Added: 0026036
2014-07-12 16:59 Toady One Note Added: 0026055
2014-07-12 17:05 Toady One Note Added: 0026057
2014-07-12 17:05 Toady One Status assigned => resolved
2014-07-12 17:05 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-07-12 17:05 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-12 17:05 Toady One Assigned To user6 => Toady One
2014-07-12 17:15 user11 Sticky Issue Yes => No
2014-07-13 00:28 user6 Relationship added related to 0007174
2014-07-13 12:59 user6 Relationship deleted related to 0007174
2014-07-13 12:59 user6 Summary Large influx of babies from multiple civilizations => Large influx of babies from multiple civilizations, eventually causes crash
2014-07-13 13:00 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007199
2014-07-13 13:00 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007218
2014-07-13 13:03 user6 Relationship added related to 0006807