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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006749Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Buildings, Generalpublic2014-07-29 11:55
Reporterfox61524 Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OSWIndows 7: 64-bit 
Product Version0.40.01 
Fixed in Version0.40.06 
Summary0006749: When a root tile is mined or channeled, the entire tree ceases to exist
DescriptionOne root tile is sufficient to produce the effect. No wood or other material drops when the tree disappears. All other tree roots instantly change to stone or soil tile types.
Steps To Reproducedesignate a single root for mining.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0006591 new Trees are always chopped completely, regardless of where chopping designation is given 
has duplicate 0006832 resolveduser6 Trees and tree roots disappear when roots are mined or channeled into. 
has duplicate 0007420 resolveduser1294 Tree will disappear when a channel is dug into its root. 
related to 0006590 resolvedToady One Root Mining Designation Not Graphically Noted 



2014-07-08 18:40

manager   ~0025201

I've seen logs suspended in midair when this happens (around 2-3 levels above ground). Can you check and see if this is happening?


2014-07-08 18:49

reporter   ~0025205

When I've seen this behavior, I don't get logs suspended in midair - I don't get logs. What I do get is bizarre holes in the sky where parts of the tree used to be.


2014-07-08 21:04

reporter   ~0025236

This may have happened to me as well, when you go investigate, the entire structure of the above ground tree appears as 'inside'.


2014-07-08 21:11

reporter   ~0025239

This may also be related to bug 6704 that involves collapse notifications when entire trees cease to exist.


2014-07-09 17:37

reporter   ~0025424

Last edited: 2014-07-09 17:39

sorry about the delay.

No logs, midair or otherwise.

There are a few sky tiles where the top of the tree used to be which are black with '-' in either red or green. Is that what you mean by holes?

None of the former tree tiles list as 'inside' for me

I've gotten the collapse notification for some mined roots, and for some standard chopped down trees. It seems like the message pops up when the lowest trunk section is right next to lower ground (When I chop these trees down normally, some of logs fall an extra z-level to the ground and wind up at the bottom of the adjacent ramp)


2014-07-11 23:09

reporter   ~0025944

Hey, this is kind of cool. :> But, yes, I can reproduce the bug as originally described. I have created a save file for convenience, though I don't think it is specific to any save file.

Debian Wheezy 7.5
uname -a:
Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 <POUND>1 SMP Debian 3.2.57-3+deb7u2 x86_64 GNU/Linux

1) Fresh unpack of Dwarf Fortress 0.40.02 SDL from
2) Fresh unpack of from
3) Press ESC 3 times (to get past intro), then choose "Continue Playing."
4) Load region "bug6749"
5) Center on the miner.
6) Unpause, then watch as the root is dug out (already designated), then the entire tree vanishes, and the roots turn into Silty Clay Loam Wall!

Also, same results with Windows 7 Pro SP1 32bit, updates current.


2014-07-17 12:51

reporter   ~0026773

also, when designating a ramp on a root tile, the tree also vanishes, but the floor between the tree and the ramp isn't removed.


2014-07-28 03:37

reporter   ~0027751

I just saw this and wound up with "Snow covered Open Space" which is one of the more confusing things around. But it is rather annoying.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-08 18:38 fox61524 New Issue
2014-07-08 18:39 lethosor Relationship added related to 0006591
2014-07-08 18:40 lethosor Note Added: 0025201
2014-07-08 18:49 Button Note Added: 0025205
2014-07-08 21:04 SomethingCollapsedOverhead Note Added: 0025236
2014-07-08 21:11 rhorama Note Added: 0025239
2014-07-09 08:58 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0006832
2014-07-09 08:59 user6 Relationship added related to 0006590
2014-07-09 17:37 fox61524 Note Added: 0025424
2014-07-09 17:38 fox61524 Note Edited: 0025424
2014-07-09 17:39 fox61524 Note Edited: 0025424
2014-07-11 23:09 scriberman Note Added: 0025944
2014-07-14 21:19 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007313
2014-07-17 09:20 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0007420
2014-07-17 09:21 user1294 Summary When a root tile is mined, the entire tree ceases to exist => When a root tile is mined or channeled, the entire tree ceases to exist
2014-07-17 12:51 JoeJoe Note Added: 0026773
2014-07-22 10:52 user6 Relationship deleted has duplicate 0007313
2014-07-28 03:37 Aescula Note Added: 0027751
2014-07-29 11:55 Toady One Status new => resolved
2014-07-29 11:55 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-07-29 11:55 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-29 11:55 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One