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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006771Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Conversationpublic2014-07-11 15:53
Reporteryouknowme Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OSWindows XP 
Product Version0.40.01 
Fixed in Version0.40.03 
Summary0006771: Asking the dwarves in a fortress about their trade partners causes the game to crash
DescriptionI was able to do this twice, once with the militia commander and once with a count. While carrying out conversation with them about the Fortress' trade partners the game immediately crashed!
Steps To ReproduceAsk a dwarf in a random generated fortress who their trade partners are!
Additional Information'nuff said
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0006569 resolvedToady One Crash when asking about the location/position of forces 
has duplicate 0006857 resolveduser1294 Asked an elf bowman about the Civ's neighbor's and trade, game crashed 
has duplicate 0006984 resolveduser11 Game crashes when i ask people in the fort "Ask about this sites neighbors and trade partners" 
has duplicate 0006991 resolveduser6 Crash when asking about trade partners 
has duplicate 0007078 resolveduser11 Game crashes after asking elf goblin civilization members about trade routes and surrounding areas 



2014-07-08 21:54

reporter   ~0025248

Possibly related to/duplicate of 0006524. If you ask someone who doesn't know information the game will crash. Comments in report 0006570 allude to this bug as well.


2014-07-09 06:13

reporter   ~0025289

By the way, you can type e.g. "#6524" to get 0006524.


2014-07-10 14:07

reporter   ~0025593

crash when asking for trade partners here, too.
at the moment I can reproduce this always with one adventurer:
- go to hamlet, ask about trade partners.
- go to the town you get indicated.
- ask about trade partners.
- crash.

Current theory: This civ has only one town/marketplace.
At least I retried with another civ with 3 towns -> no crash.
You get an answer indicating the other 2 towns.

HTH, Matthias.


2014-07-11 10:28

reporter   ~0025789

Here's a 40.02 save:

Asking the child about trade partners always crashes the game for me.

Had it happen before in this world, but did not save before the crash. Tried to reproduce, but couldn't at first (I spawned in another site and I got an answer without problems).

This civ has many sites, so it's probably not a lack of marketplaces.


2014-07-11 13:39


Thanks for the update.

Toady One

2014-07-11 15:53

administrator   ~0025866

This should be fixed up for next time.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-08 20:49 youknowme New Issue
2014-07-08 21:54 rhorama Note Added: 0025248
2014-07-09 06:13 JasonMel Note Added: 0025289
2014-07-09 06:22 user1294 Relationship added related to 0006569
2014-07-09 12:29 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0006857
2014-07-10 14:07 mkiever Note Added: 0025593
2014-07-10 16:24 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0006984
2014-07-10 18:45 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0006991
2014-07-11 10:28 XXSockXX Note Added: 0025789
2014-07-11 13:30 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0007078
2014-07-11 13:39 user11 Note Added: 0025845
2014-07-11 13:39 user11 Assigned To => user11
2014-07-11 13:39 user11 Status new => acknowledged
2014-07-11 15:53 Toady One Note Added: 0025866
2014-07-11 15:53 Toady One Status acknowledged => resolved
2014-07-11 15:53 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-07-11 15:53 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-11 15:53 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One