View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0006970 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Moods | public | 2014-07-10 13:29 | 2014-08-20 21:09 |
Reporter | jesserizzo | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
OS | Windows 7 | ||||
Product Version | 0.40.01 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.40.10 | ||||
Summary | 0006970: Strange mood items are teleported into the workshop | ||||
Description | Dwarf with a strange mood claimed a craftsdwarfs workshop, and then picked up 3 stacks of bones without leaving the workshop. Locking him in prevented him from picking up the bones. But with the door unlocked, he was able to acquire bones without moving. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
has duplicate | 0007480 | resolved | Strange mood teleporting items | |
has duplicate | 0007723 | resolved | Bones teleport to workshop claimed by moody dwarf | |
has duplicate | 0007949 | resolved | Items teleporting when required for a strange mood | |
related to | 0005994 | resolved | Toady One | Destroying a construction teleports nearby items |
related to | 0007284 | resolved | Toady One | Lag when dwarves stuck in a tree get a strange mood |
Did you happen to be making bone crafts or anything that would have left stacks of bone in the workshop? |
Are you sure the bones weren't already in the workshop? This will probably be impossible to fix without a save. |
Maybe he already had the bones |
Please reopen if the above doesn't explain it. |
I was able to replicate this by doing the following: 1. Embark somewhere, making sure you have no wood logs 2. Build a carpenter's workshop out of stone 3. Force a carpenter to enter a strange mood (used DFHack to create a Strange Mood Carpenter job using the same logic as in 0.34.11) 4. Wait for the carpenter the claim the workshop and start screaming "I must have logs!" 5. Cut down a tree 6. Watch as one of the logs instantly appears inside the workshop; if the dwarf needs more items, he will walk over and collect them normally |
Save can be found here: Please read the description - this bug doesn't seem to be entirely consistent. |
Related to this: Dwarves going into strange moods can claim workshops no matter how far away from them they are. It doesn't happen every time, which makes it difficult to reproduce. |
I just had it happen again, different fort. Again with bones, he walked normally to get the logs and stone he needed. Definitely the bones weren't already in the workshop. |
Same for me, 0.40.03 Newly created of reclaimed items teleport, already-existing don't. |
I suspect this might be related to 0006842. In that bug, dwarves get stuck trying to perform jobs at a distance when their pathing fails. However, if the "pickup item" job doesn't check the distance between the dwarf and the item, picking up items at a distance would result in the teleporting of items to the dwarf's location. |
Along with bones and wood, I've seen a moody glassmaker teleport raw green glass into his workshop. |
Had an armorsmith enter a strange mood last night in 40.05. He picked up the bars and bones by hand, but when he started screaming for "Cut gems" and I queued up some gem cutting jobs, as soon as the gems were cut, they teleported into the forge. Once two had gotten teleported in, the armorsmith started working. |
I've seen this with bones and cloth. It seems to be quite consistent - once the moody dwarf is waiting for some item, creating that item anywhere in the fortress teleports it to the claimed workshop. |
I can confirm this. This is most common with bones and leather hides in an early fort. I just had a dwarf in a strange mood waiting for hides. I killed an animal to make a hide and it was instantly teleported to the workshop upon tanning. |
Also can confirm this, running a fort in 40.05. It happened when I slaughtered an animal to get some bones for my strange mood architect. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2014-07-10 13:29 | jesserizzo | New Issue | |
2014-07-10 13:33 |
Note Added: 0025584 | |
2014-07-10 13:33 |
Assigned To | => user11 |
2014-07-10 13:33 |
Status | new => feedback |
2014-07-10 13:33 |
Note Added: 0025585 | |
2014-07-10 13:33 |
Assigned To | user11 => user6 |
2014-07-10 13:36 | edwardR | Note Added: 0025587 | |
2014-07-12 12:15 |
Note Added: 0026006 | |
2014-07-12 12:15 |
Status | feedback => resolved |
2014-07-12 12:15 |
Resolution | open => no change required |
2014-07-14 12:48 |
Status | resolved => acknowledged |
2014-07-14 12:49 |
Relationship added | related to 0005994 |
2014-07-14 13:06 | Quietust | Note Added: 0026354 | |
2014-07-14 19:56 | Calathar | Note Added: 0026411 | |
2014-07-14 22:10 |
Relationship added | related to 0007284 |
2014-07-14 22:15 |
Summary | Strange mood dwarf teleporting to pick up items => Strange mood items are teleported into the workshop |
2014-07-15 23:27 | rhorama | Note Added: 0026597 | |
2014-07-17 09:07 | jesserizzo | Note Added: 0026752 | |
2014-07-17 15:56 | int_ua | Note Added: 0026786 | |
2014-07-19 07:17 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007480 |
2014-07-24 17:59 | Loci | Note Added: 0027466 | |
2014-07-29 20:08 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007723 |
2014-07-30 10:55 | Kanddak | Note Added: 0027967 | |
2014-07-30 11:41 | dglidden | Note Added: 0027971 | |
2014-07-30 11:45 | SmileyMan | Note Added: 0027972 | |
2014-08-01 17:39 | crossmr | Note Added: 0028111 | |
2014-08-01 18:02 | Dame de la Licorne | Note Added: 0028114 | |
2014-08-01 18:02 | Dame de la Licorne | Note Edited: 0028114 | |
2014-08-02 11:30 |
Status | acknowledged => confirmed |
2014-08-08 09:13 |
Resolution | no change required => open |
2014-08-11 07:31 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007949 |
2014-08-20 13:45 | Toady One | Status | confirmed => resolved |
2014-08-20 13:45 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2014-08-20 13:45 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-08-20 13:45 | Toady One | Assigned To | user6 => Toady One |