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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007318Dwarf FortressMiscellaneous Crashespublic2014-07-20 11:21
Reporterbenkraft Assigned Touser6 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
PlatformlinuxOSUbuntuOS Version13.10
Product Version0.40.03 
Summary0007318: Crash with "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"
DescriptionI was playing in fortress mode, a fairly new/small fortress, and the first dwarven caravan had just arrived, and come about halfway across the map and into my fortress, but was not yet in my trade depot. The game very suddenly spiked in memory by about 1GB, and then crashed with an error "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'". I reopened the game from an autosave (I would guess about 10-15 days before), and played similarly, and it crashed at about the same point -- after the caravan had entered the map but before it had made it into my trade depot.
Steps To ReproduceI was able to reproduce once, but I don't know what caused it, so I'm not sure I could reproduce in general.
TagsNo tags attached.



2014-07-15 07:41


Please try to get a save closer to the crash point. You can upload to


2014-07-18 02:43

reporter   ~0026848

I had this happen to me as well, will see if it reproduces. If it does, I'll try to get a closer save.


2014-07-20 11:21

reporter   ~0027038

Last edited: 2014-07-20 11:39

edit: Nevermind, it stopped crashing, after crashing five times in a row.

I got the same error message (same version same OS) but I don't know what caused it.

The human caravan had been acting strangely, but I don't know if that's related. I traded with the humans, well before everything was moved to the depot, meaning to trade with them again before they left. But after that first trade, my depot said, "no merchants are trading right now". The human broker was "rapidly losing patience", but the trade *did* go through, and I only got the "...have departed on their journey" message at the normal, one-month-after-their-arrival time, so I don't think they left 'cause they were mad.

When the dwarven caravan showed up in autumn, in that 'move goods to/from depot' menu, there was a single phylite table listed as "trading", eventhough I hadn't yet had a chance to order any dwarves to haul anything to the depot; it was just there of its own will (although I must have ordered it hauled to the depot back in the summer).

The dwarven caravan has come and gone, and the humans are still milling around.

I noticed a piece of "wagon wood" wood at the depot (belonging to my fortress, not to the human traders), and the humans now have only one wagon (I assume they came with more, but I'm not positive), so I guess something happened to their wagon.

I guess they're staying because of their missing wagon, but that might be unrelated to the other glitch(es) and probably none of it has to do with the crash.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-14 22:50 benkraft New Issue
2014-07-15 07:41 user6 Note Added: 0026470
2014-07-15 07:41 user6 Assigned To => user6
2014-07-15 07:41 user6 Status new => feedback
2014-07-18 02:43 AapoAlas Note Added: 0026848
2014-07-20 11:21 Haikon Note Added: 0027038
2014-07-20 11:39 Haikon Note Edited: 0027038