View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007351Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Combatpublic2014-08-28 11:33
ReporterKillzemallgod Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.40.03 
Fixed in Version0.40.11 
Summary0007351: Undead ignore dwarfs who are overhelmed by terror
DescriptionUndead started to ignore dwarfs once some of them were overhelmed by horror of a dwarf dying. as soon as it stopped they started killing dwarfs again and they got overhelmed by horror from another dwarf dying causing the whole thing to happen again.
Steps To ReproduceMigrants arived near undead so if enough dwarfs are near them overhelmed by horror they should stop attacking untill it wears off.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0006547 resolvedToady One Wolves passive in adventure mode. 



2014-07-15 16:49


Please upload a save that demonstrates the problem to and post the link here.


2014-07-15 17:32

reporter   ~0026557

Heres the save
I also noticed that the merchants pack up and leave instantly with the fighting going near them.


2014-07-24 07:38

manager   ~0027413

Appears to be the case (at least in that save)

Toady One

2014-08-28 11:33

administrator   ~0029748

This seems to be resolved for next time, with the changes to named/historical undead. The horrified people were killed immediately, in any case.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-15 16:32 Killzemallgod New Issue
2014-07-15 16:48 user6 Summary Undead ignore dwarfs after they're overhelmed by terror => Undead ignore dwarfs who are overhelmed by terror
2014-07-15 16:49 user6 Note Added: 0026553
2014-07-15 16:49 user6 Assigned To => user6
2014-07-15 16:49 user6 Status new => feedback
2014-07-15 17:32 Killzemallgod Note Added: 0026557
2014-07-15 17:32 Killzemallgod Status feedback => assigned
2014-07-22 10:44 user6 Relationship added related to 0006547
2014-07-24 07:37 lethosor Status assigned => acknowledged
2014-07-24 07:38 lethosor Assigned To user6 => lethosor
2014-07-24 07:38 lethosor Note Added: 0027413
2014-08-28 11:33 Toady One Note Added: 0029748
2014-08-28 11:33 Toady One Status acknowledged => resolved
2014-08-28 11:33 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-08-28 11:33 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-08-28 11:33 Toady One Assigned To lethosor => Toady One