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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006547Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- AIpublic2014-08-14 16:50
ReporterSagnips Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPcOSWindowsOS Version7
Product Version0.40.01 
Fixed in Version0.40.05 
Summary0006547: Wolves passive in adventure mode.
DescriptionWolves were just standing still and didn't attack, flee or move. I could just kill everyone of them without any resistance.
Steps To ReproduceI have no idea. Wolves attacked on the travel map that is all I did.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0008013 resolvedToady One Named undead only hostile to military and animals 
has duplicate 0006689 resolveduser6 Enemies don't react 
has duplicate 0006788 resolveduser6 hostile creatures are considered friendly. 
has duplicate 0007021 resolveduser6 Enemies speak to you like you're friendly 
has duplicate 0007346 resolveduser6 Night creature doesn't seem to acknowledge that it is being attacked 
has duplicate 0007418 resolveduser11 Undead not attacking a human outsider adventurer 
has duplicate 0005249 resolveduser6 300 Friendly kobolds, only a kobold attacked will fight back 
related to 0006666 assigneduser6 Trolls don't attack in adventure mode 
related to 0006634 new Buggy adventure mode vampire 
related to 0006712 new Civilians not attacking or running away after I kill one of them 
related to 0006717 new Ambushed by a neutral vampire 
related to 0006810 resolvedToady One AI almost never reacting to being attacked from stealth. 
related to 0006889 confirmeduser6 Animal men talk about fighting you instead of fighting you 
related to 0006975 resolvedlethosor Goblin siegers ignore sleeping dwarf 
related to 0005164 acknowledgedToady One Vampiric gang leaders attack their own gang and are friendly toward the player 
related to 0007440 resolveduser6 Forgotten beasts found in ruined forts are not hostile, do not respond to attacks 
related to 0007434 new Werecreatures become friendly on reverting to human form 
related to 0007161 feedbackuser11 Morale is screwy across all modes 
related to 0007351 resolvedToady One Undead ignore dwarfs who are overhelmed by terror 
related to 0007360 resolvedToady One Combat horror and cowardice too common 
related to 0008027 resolvedToady One Companions not helping to fight an undead dingo 
related to 0006835 new Adventure mode goblins surround my player as if hostile, but not actually hostile. 
related to 0007369 new Non-hostile blind cave ogre and other cavern creatures 
related to 0008123 resolvedToady One Undead companions only hostile towards wildlife 
related to 0006945 resolvedToady One Demon leaders are cowards 



2014-07-07 20:31


Just to be clear, these are wolves that ambushed you while traveling?


2014-07-08 09:57

reporter   ~0025073

Yes exactly. They ambushed me while traveling. But they didn't move or attack. They just stood there so I just killed them all and moved on without a scratch.


2014-07-08 10:15

reporter   ~0025077

Wolverines act like this too!


2014-07-08 10:43

reporter   ~0025080

I was ambushed by a Night Troll while traveling with companions; the Troll was peaceful to me, running past me harmlessly. I tried to talk to it to determine why it was peaceful, and while I was doing this it tore one of my companions apart. When it attacked my companion, the threat level jumped up to Lethal.


2014-07-08 11:07

reporter   ~0025094

I've run into groups of Thrips men/women and Peregrine Falcon men/women who will talk to each other about how they attacked me a minute ago, while doing no such thing. I can spread rumours about this event too, and can try and yield to them, but they never actually attack.


2014-07-08 11:14

reporter   ~0025095

Grey langurs are peaceful to me. Rhinos run from me, however.


2014-07-08 14:45

reporter   ~0025152

Last edited: 2014-07-08 14:46

I can confirm this bug. It is one of the game breaking. Night trolls ambushed my party, killed my companions and just ignored me. They attacked me only after I attacked them.

Had the same problem with wolves. It looks like the player character doesn't attract attention from the enemies.

I attacked a bandit camp and or the bandits fled my party or attacked only my companions, so maybe isn't a ambush only issue.


2014-07-09 13:14

reporter   ~0025373

Last edited: 2014-07-09 13:14

I was once ambushed by an elf corpse. (So, a zombie.)

The strange thing wasn't just that it was completely unrotted (!) but also that it was peaceful for whatever reason. (Since when are zombies peaceful towards living beings?)
Talking to it didn't yield any response, although attacking it would make it attempt to kill me dead just fine.

Ambushes smell funny at the moment it seems.


2014-07-09 14:44

reporter   ~0025387

Happened to me in a town with a vampire.
After ambushing me he just stood there with tears in his eyes. He was running away from me when I tried to approach him, but never ran too far away. I talked to him, asking him to yield, which he did. Afterwards he went away.


2014-07-09 14:57

reporter   ~0025388

I ran into a freak of shadow wrestler (yes, that's what the game called it) and was ready for a fight, but it was instead friendly. I accused it of being a night creature, and it told me to calm myself. But my companion, a dwarf necromancer, who several people told me I should take as a guide and simply hung out in the human mead hall, had a history with it, and started a fight. I joined in and quickly got manhandled. Shortly thereafter, the freak of shadow bled to death in a fight with a peasant. Apparently my dwarf necromancer companion didn't continue the fight and just started wandering the wilds after I died.

In legends mode, it lists a home as well as a lair. The home was the town where it ended up being killed, and it's listed as a rumored enemy fighter of the town.


2014-07-09 15:06

reporter   ~0025390

When I was attacking some dingoes with my paralyzed elven adventurer (I jumped out of the tree or something), they didn't seem to attack back either.


2014-07-09 17:43

reporter   ~0025428

Just happened with a cougar.


2014-07-10 11:13

reporter   ~0025557

I think this family of bugs needs a severity increase to major, it has a pretty bad effect on adventure mode.


2014-07-10 11:21

reporter   ~0025558

arara, agreed


2014-07-10 11:32


We don't use the severity or priority fields, but rest assured that we know it's a bad problem. Once the worst of the crashes are fixed, Toady should have time to look at these reports.


2014-07-10 20:38

reporter   ~0025669

Here's a save of me standing beside a passive Giant Dingo

Slightly modded, though nothing that should produce this effect (just some new weapons).


2014-07-11 16:04

reporter   ~0025869

Bump because new info, it appears even night creatures (who should have OPPOSED_TO_LIFE) can be friendly, even recruitable.

Fast travelling with a NC companion still registers as an ambush though.


2014-07-12 13:52

reporter   ~0026019

I've played several games and noticed that night creatures and other beasts that you're ordered to kill are always neutral in their caves (I've seen trolls, animal-men, dingo, werebear)...

Most of the wildlife is neutral too (but your companions are still eager to murder every living animal they see :) )... However, at the end of the day, while traveling alone, I've been murdered by a random pack of... ...bunnies???


2014-07-12 14:25

reporter   ~0026024

Something that I noticed, that must be a bug apart, every animal you find in the wield register an event that they attacked you. You can notice this when you meet animal men that can speak. They keep talking about how they attacked you though they never really attack. And these events spam your events list.


2014-07-15 20:08

manager   ~0026582

I found a demon spire full of happy trolls. Well, they were technically crying, but they definitely didn't seem to care about hurting me.

Toady One

2014-07-22 12:48

administrator   ~0027239

I've fixed a few variants of this involving ambushing creatures and hunting historical creatures. The related issues will have to be handled separately, especially those involving civilized creatures.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-07 20:26 Sagnips New Issue
2014-07-07 20:31 user6 Note Added: 0024912
2014-07-08 09:57 Sagnips Note Added: 0025073
2014-07-08 10:15 untrustedlife Note Added: 0025077
2014-07-08 10:43 monk12 Note Added: 0025080
2014-07-08 11:07 arara Note Added: 0025094
2014-07-08 11:14 CaptainLambcake Note Added: 0025095
2014-07-08 13:40 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0006666
2014-07-08 13:40 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0006689
2014-07-08 13:40 user6 Relationship added related to 0006634
2014-07-08 14:14 user6 Relationship added related to 0006712
2014-07-08 14:45 thvaz Note Added: 0025152
2014-07-08 14:46 thvaz Note Edited: 0025152
2014-07-08 14:52 user6 Relationship added related to 0006717
2014-07-09 07:16 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0006788
2014-07-09 07:17 user6 Relationship added related to 0006810
2014-07-09 08:58 user6 Relationship added related to 0006663
2014-07-09 13:14 Bloax Note Added: 0025373
2014-07-09 13:14 Bloax Note Edited: 0025373
2014-07-09 14:44 clanl Note Added: 0025387
2014-07-09 14:57 Matt_S Note Added: 0025388
2014-07-09 15:06 smjjames Note Added: 0025390
2014-07-09 17:07 user6 Relationship added related to 0006889
2014-07-09 17:43 Xangi Note Added: 0025428
2014-07-10 11:13 arara Note Added: 0025557
2014-07-10 11:21 thvaz Note Added: 0025558
2014-07-10 11:32 user6 Note Added: 0025561
2014-07-10 20:38 Xangi Note Added: 0025669
2014-07-10 22:30 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007021
2014-07-11 08:31 user6 Relationship added related to 0006975
2014-07-11 16:04 Xangi Note Added: 0025869
2014-07-12 13:52 eliotcougar Note Added: 0026019
2014-07-12 14:25 thvaz Note Added: 0026024
2014-07-14 09:04 user6 Relationship added related to 0005164
2014-07-15 15:03 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007346
2014-07-15 20:08 Talvieno Note Added: 0026582
2014-07-17 10:09 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0007418
2014-07-18 08:53 user6 Relationship added related to 0007440
2014-07-18 08:53 user6 Relationship added related to 0007434
2014-07-20 09:45 user6 Relationship deleted related to 0006663
2014-07-21 07:12 user6 Relationship added related to 0007161
2014-07-22 10:44 user6 Relationship added related to 0007351
2014-07-22 12:48 Toady One Note Added: 0027239
2014-07-22 12:48 Toady One Status new => resolved
2014-07-22 12:48 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-07-22 12:48 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-22 12:48 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2014-07-29 21:48 user6 Relationship added related to 0007360
2014-08-09 15:50 user6 Relationship replaced related to 0006666
2014-08-14 16:50 user6 Relationship added related to 0008013
2014-08-15 11:49 user6 Relationship added related to 0008027
2014-08-19 10:17 user6 Relationship added related to 0006835
2014-08-20 12:14 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0005249
2014-08-20 13:29 user6 Relationship added related to 0007369
2014-08-22 18:57 user6 Relationship added related to 0008123
2014-09-10 07:02 user6 Relationship added related to 0008267
2014-10-01 09:58 user6 Relationship added related to 0006945
2014-10-28 16:47 user6 Relationship deleted related to 0008267