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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000747Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Farming/Farmer's Workshoppublic2014-07-23 16:58
ReporterZeg Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.31.01 
Fixed in Version0.40.05 
Summary0000747: Planting of seeds allowed even if too late in the season
DescriptionA farm plot mostly planted with Pig Tail seeds suddenly emptied itself on the season transition from Autumn to Winter. The plot no longer appears 'planted' and the seed have vanished from both the plots building info screen and the stocks.

I'd guess that it's because you can't plant Pig Tails in Winter, but the previous behavior was that they'd still finish growing if already planted.
Tagsbinary patch, farm, farming, food, season, seeds, underground


has duplicate 0001869 resolveduser6 Plants in farm vanished when season changed 
has duplicate 0002361 resolveduser6 Planted seeds disappearing at season changes 
has duplicate 0006921 resolveduser6 Farmers planting seeds that disappear 
has duplicate 0000331 resolvedlethosor Crops can disappear on season change 
related to 0007747 resolvedToady One Farm plot planting cut-off fails to work over the Winter->Spring boundary 



2010-04-07 16:49

reporter   ~0001887

Confirmed, sweet pods planted in summer that failed to grow by autumn vanished.


2010-04-07 19:36

reporter   ~0001917

might be related to 0000238


2010-04-08 22:07

reporter   ~0002263

Possibly intended behavior?


2010-04-09 12:54

reporter   ~0002401

Last edited: 2010-04-09 12:57

That's silly. If it were intended behavior it should stop you from planting seeds if you get too close to season change, like it used to. (plants that were otherwise plantable during the season but too close to season change would show up as red but still on the list).

In fact, now that I think of it, maybe that's the real bug - that is, no plants show up as red anymore on the list. ever.

Anyway, if this bug needs confirmation, I have experienced this bug as well.


2010-08-03 08:17

reporter   ~0011440

31.12 still exhibits this issue. I can confirm that dimple cup spawn, planted one season, didn't vanish as they are allowed for all seasons. However, in the plot next to it, the entire plot of sweet pod seeds disappeared. (see this diagram for when plants are allowed

The general trend seems to be the seeds disappear on season change if the plant isn't allowed to grow in that season.


2010-08-19 18:04

reporter   ~0011940

I just watched 4 5x5 plots of freshly planted sweet pod seeds dissapear before my eyes on season change... This bug makes me sad :(


2010-08-22 18:27

reporter   ~0012029

I lost nearly all of my cave wheat seeds to this bug after planting them too late in Autumn.


2010-09-03 18:02

reporter   ~0012394

Yep, I just lost all but two of my rock nuts when Autumn changed to Winter. I now have to watch exactly what and when I'm planting like a hawk, just because the dwarves are no longer smart enough to stop planting when it's too late in the season? You've got to be kidding me. :(


2010-10-01 07:37

reporter   ~0013099

Last edited: 2010-10-01 07:39

Still happens in .14. I use seasonal autosave. The seeds are present in the plot during the autosave, and visible immediately afterward if the game is paused. Upon unpausing, all disallowed seeds for the new season are deleted.


2012-07-19 12:54

reporter   ~0023275

Still exists in .25


2012-08-30 10:28

reporter   ~0023511

The problem is that the game even allows you to plant seeds under this circumstance - in versions and earlier, crops in farm plots would turn Red if it was too late in the season to plant them, allow them to grow, and harvest them (with about a week of leeway, as I recall).


2014-05-01 13:54

reporter   ~0024745

I've found the problem: the "too late to plant" check is still treating the "current season ticks" value as a down-counter (as it was in 40d and earlier) rather than an up-counter (as it was changed to in version 0.31.01).

Specifically, while 40d and earlier checked "if (cur_season_tick - plant->GROWDUR * 10 < 500)", versions 0.31 and later check "if (cur_season_tick - plant->GROWDUR * 10 > 10080 - 500)", but they should be checking "if (cur_season_tick + plant->GROWDUR * 10 > 10080 - 500)".

The following binary patches should fix this problem:

0.34.11 Win32 SDL:
0x04E7E4 : 2B D1 -> 01 CA

0.34.11 Linux:
0x069D34 : F7 D9 -> 90 90

0.34.11 OSX:
0x103B30 : F6 -> 0A

Of other interest is how the check actually works - the red text (and refusal to plant) will only happen if your dwarves actually know that the plants would die.

This happens under 2 circumstances:
1. At some point in the past, you planted seeds too late in the season, and they died when the season changed.
2. At some point in the past, a sufficiently skilled dwarf planted seeds for that crop during that season (it does an "item quality roll" using the dwarf's Farmer skill level, and rolling "finely-crafted" or higher is enough to teach your dwarves the plant's grow duration).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-07 16:09 Zeg New Issue
2010-04-07 16:10 Zeg Tag Attached: farm
2010-04-07 16:10 Zeg Tag Attached: farming
2010-04-07 16:10 Zeg Tag Attached: food
2010-04-07 16:10 Zeg Tag Attached: season
2010-04-07 16:10 Zeg Tag Attached: underground
2010-04-07 16:10 Zeg Tag Attached: seeds
2010-04-07 16:49 nirreln Note Added: 0001887
2010-04-07 19:36 Brandon816 Note Added: 0001917
2010-04-08 22:07 Qloos Note Added: 0002263
2010-04-09 12:54 anomaly Note Added: 0002401
2010-04-09 12:56 anomaly Note Edited: 0002401
2010-04-09 12:57 anomaly Note Edited: 0002401
2010-05-14 05:20 Logical2u Relationship added parent of 0001869
2010-06-16 19:21 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0002361
2010-08-03 08:17 kwieland Note Added: 0011440
2010-08-19 18:04 gtmattz Note Added: 0011940
2010-08-22 18:27 Quietust Note Added: 0012029
2010-09-03 18:02 Ganthan Note Added: 0012394
2010-10-01 07:37 greycat Note Added: 0013099
2010-10-01 07:39 greycat Note Edited: 0013099
2012-07-19 12:54 kwieland Note Added: 0023275
2012-08-30 10:28 Quietust Note Added: 0023511
2012-09-11 20:57 user6 Relationship replaced has duplicate 0001869
2012-09-11 20:58 user6 Summary Planted seeds vanish on Season change => Planting of seeds allowed even if too late in the season
2014-05-01 13:54 Quietust Note Added: 0024745
2014-05-01 13:54 Quietust Tag Attached: binary patch
2014-05-02 12:35 user11 Assigned To => user11
2014-05-02 12:35 user11 Status new => acknowledged
2014-07-17 14:56 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0006921
2014-07-23 12:14 Toady One Status acknowledged => resolved
2014-07-23 12:14 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-07-23 12:14 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-23 12:14 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One
2014-08-05 06:21 lethosor Relationship added related to 0007747
2015-05-14 06:16 lethosor Relationship added parent of 0000331
2015-05-14 06:17 lethosor Relationship replaced has duplicate 0000331