View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007590Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Noblespublic2014-07-29 13:21
Reporterclanl Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OS VersionWindows 7 
Product Version0.40.04 
Fixed in Version0.40.06 
Summary0007590: [SPOILERS] Mayor demands items of new HFS material (shiny, frosty, etc metal)
DescriptionLike 0000782 (Technically that was fixed, so I opted to open a new report)

Save is here
Steps To ReproduceGet "lucky" with nobles, I guess.
Additional InformationI'm reporting this for someone else that is too lazy to register.


related to 0000782 resolvedToady One [SPOILERS] Mayor mandates items of HFS material 
related to 0000944 confirmeduser11 Baron demands turtle shell door in dining room, and other demands of unattainable item/material combinations 
has duplicate 0007643 resolveduser11 mayor demanding the impossible 
has duplicate 0007848 resolvedlethosor Nobles demand impossible metals 
child of 0007098 resolvedToady One Dwarves can have a preference for random/divine metal 



2014-07-23 13:11

reporter   ~0027343


Khym Chanur

2014-07-23 16:15

reporter   ~0027362

This is probably related to bug 0007098.


2014-07-23 17:12

reporter   ~0027363

Last edited: 2014-07-23 17:13

That... [expletive]...


2014-07-26 06:26

reporter   ~0027588

Last edited: 2014-07-26 07:05

This bug's summary and description are incorrect - this is a DEMAND, not a mandate (which are completely different things).

Managers note: fixed this.


2014-07-26 08:56

reporter   ~0027610



2014-07-29 12:01

reporter   ~0027881

See also: 0000944


2014-07-29 12:05


Yes, I was keeping these together for the new stuff that was introduced, but this one in particular should have a relation to that, thanks.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-23 12:52 clanl New Issue
2014-07-23 12:52 clanl Tag Attached: regression
2014-07-23 13:01 user6 Relationship added related to 0000782
2014-07-23 13:11 cephalo Note Added: 0027343
2014-07-23 16:15 Khym Chanur Note Added: 0027362
2014-07-23 17:12 Tzalizkan Note Added: 0027363
2014-07-23 17:13 Tzalizkan Note Edited: 0027363
2014-07-26 06:26 Quietust Note Added: 0027588
2014-07-26 07:03 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0007643
2014-07-26 07:04 user11 Summary [SPOILERS] Mayor mandates items of new HFS material (shiny, frosty, etc metal) => [SPOILERS] Mayor demands items of new HFS material (shiny, frosty, etc metal)
2014-07-26 07:05 user11 Note Edited: 0027588
2014-07-26 07:05 user11 Assigned To => user11
2014-07-26 07:05 user11 Status new => acknowledged
2014-07-26 07:10 user11 Relationship added related to 0007098
2014-07-26 08:56 clanl Note Added: 0027610
2014-07-29 11:52 user11 Relationship added related to 0007381
2014-07-29 11:56 user11 Relationship replaced child of 0007098
2014-07-29 11:57 user11 Relationship deleted related to 0007381
2014-07-29 12:01 Quietust Note Added: 0027881
2014-07-29 12:05 user11 Note Added: 0027884
2014-07-29 12:05 user11 Relationship added related to 0000944
2014-07-29 13:21 Toady One Status acknowledged => resolved
2014-07-29 13:21 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-07-29 13:21 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-07-29 13:21 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One
2014-08-04 20:26 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0007848