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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008012Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Stockspublic2024-06-09 19:28
ReporterMuumeh Assigned To 
PrioritylowSeveritytweakReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
OSWindows 7 
Product Version0.40.08 
Summary0008012: uncollected spider webs count as silk thread in stocks list
DescriptionI noticed this after looking how much thread I have available, and it listed cave spider webs as thread, making the overall tread count huge over time. Current tread count in stock screen is well over 3000. Apparently the cavern doesn't see much traffic as they web basically everything on there over time (first cavern). Can be seen in this save:
Additional InformationSame save as in the Military sock/boot thingy.
Tags*CLT*, web



2019-09-18 12:50

reporter   ~0039514

This is still confirmed to exist in version 44.12. Also now that we have conditional orders in the manager screen this causes a problem with a loom job that will weave the silk if there is available silk to weave. Since it sees all the webs as available the condition will read true even if there is no thread for the weavers to weave. This will then cause job cancel announcements.


2021-08-26 05:44

reporter   ~0041140

Still exists in 47.05


2021-08-30 14:02

reporter   ~0041143

As far as I know, webs have always showed up in the Stocks screen, and when you switch to Detail mode it lists them as "web" instead of "thread".

If you're having trouble with conditional orders, edit the flags on the item condition - the "collected" option will exclude webs, and "undisturbed" will likewise exclude everything but webs. In fact, if you press "r" to "Add conditions from reagents/materials", it will do this for you automatically.


2024-06-09 19:28

reporter   ~0042245

Issue still exists as of 10/6/2024

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-08-14 16:36 Muumeh New Issue
2014-08-14 16:39 Muumeh Tag Attached: *CLT*
2014-08-14 16:39 Muumeh Tag Attached: web
2019-09-18 12:50 Treah Note Added: 0039514
2021-08-26 05:44 Krougal Note Added: 0041140
2021-08-30 14:02 Quietust Note Added: 0041143
2024-06-09 19:28 Ekara Note Added: 0042245