View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008695Dwarf FortressWorld Generation -- Generalpublic2015-02-02 13:07
ReporterCoaldiamond Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformDell MX17OSWindowsOS VersionWindows 7
Product Version0.40.23 
Summary0008695: Odd stream placement results in floating riverbed and flooding.
DescriptionSee referenced screencap for an image of my adventurer standing on the floating stream bed. The stream cuts through a hillside next to a waterfall, but the banks are missing (or eroded?) resulting in a small flood. I should note that the stream bed is hanging in mid air, and the hill continues to slope downward leaving empty air beneath the stream floor tiles and the ground.
Steps To ReproduceUnknown.
Additional InformationI have previously posted this same world for a different bug listing. The world is accessible here ( To reach the bugged stream, go to adventure mode and travel immediately southeast of the human hamlet Evensiege.

World gen info:

Saves: (0.40.23) (0.40.24, from 0008782)
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0008782 resolvedlethosor Once embarked there is a river in mid air, which floods the map after unpausing 



2015-01-03 12:56

reporter   ~0031667

Whoops, forgot to include a link to the screencap!

See here:


2015-02-02 13:06

manager   ~0032122

kermat posted another save at 0008782:

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-01-03 12:27 Coaldiamond New Issue
2015-01-03 12:56 Coaldiamond Note Added: 0031667
2015-02-02 13:03 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0008782
2015-02-02 13:06 lethosor Additional Information Updated
2015-02-02 13:06 lethosor Note Added: 0032122
2015-02-02 13:07 lethosor Additional Information Updated