View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008701Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Announcementspublic2015-01-06 17:33
Reporteruser8971Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformLinux 32bOSUbuntuOS Version14.04
Product Version0.40.23 
Fixed in Version0.40.24 
Summary0008701: Game title partly obscured in heading of announcements screen
DescriptionIn announcements screen, there is the current date showed in the heading. It is similar place to that one where "Dwarf Fortress" is showed during the "standard view" of unpaused world.

The problem here is that instead of hiding "Dwarf Fortress" and writing the date over it, the date starts a bit more to the left than the game title. This results in things like "15th Felsite, 8 f Fortress" [sic]. For some shorter dates is also visible "r" in "Dwarf", making "rf Fortress" written next to the date.
Steps To ReproduceLook in the heading of screen when you unpause your dwarves
Look in the heading of announcements screen
Additional InformationI am talking about "'standard view' of unpaused world" because that heading is replaced by various things in other game screens (like storage screen).
Tagsdate, graphics


child of 0006442 resolvedToady One Multiple headers/titles on some screens overlap at higher resolutions 



2015-01-06 06:39


Please upload a screenshot that demonstrates the problem to and post the link here.


2015-01-06 07:22


Last edited: 2015-01-06 07:27

I have found two saved screenshots. I hope this simple share is enough.
"12th Opal, 6 warf Fortress" -
"15th Felsite, 8 f Fortress" -

Edit: correcting links


2015-01-06 16:58

manager   ~0031746

Reminder sent to: Toady One

This was reported as 0006442 back in 0.34.11. It also occurs on the report list and justice screen in 0.40.23 - I'm not sure if it occurs anywhere else or if you've fixed those as well.

Toady One

2015-01-06 17:33

administrator   ~0031747

I'll take a look at all of them and make sure everything is working correctly for 0.40.24.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-01-06 02:47 user8971 New Issue
2015-01-06 02:48 user8971 Tag Attached: date
2015-01-06 02:48 user8971 Tag Attached: geology
2015-01-06 02:48 user8971 Tag Attached: graphics
2015-01-06 02:48 user8971 Tag Detached: geology
2015-01-06 06:39 user6 Note Added: 0031726
2015-01-06 06:39 user6 Assigned To => user6
2015-01-06 06:39 user6 Status new => feedback
2015-01-06 07:22 user8971 Note Added: 0031729
2015-01-06 07:22 user8971 Status feedback => assigned
2015-01-06 07:27 user8971 Note Edited: 0031729
2015-01-06 07:27 user8971 Note Edited: 0031729
2015-01-06 08:51 user6 Status assigned => confirmed
2015-01-06 08:51 user6 Summary Game title semivisible in the heading of announcements screen => Game title partly obscured in heading of announcements screen
2015-01-06 11:26 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2015-01-06 11:26 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2015-01-06 11:26 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2015-01-06 11:26 Toady One Assigned To user6 => Toady One
2015-01-06 16:56 lethosor Relationship added child of 0006442
2015-01-06 16:58 lethosor Note Added: 0031746
2015-01-06 17:33 Toady One Note Added: 0031747