View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009127Dwarf FortressWorld Generation -- Generalpublic2015-12-06 11:07
Reporteranotak Assigned Touser1294 
PrioritynormalSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
OSWindows 7 
Product Version0.42.01 
Summary0009127: Crash during world gen
Descriptionthere was no error log, here's the relevant gamelog, just chose create new world and set minerals to max

Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4333335
 Seed: VhaCxe2oIQpjz3LBnino
 History Seed: PsglMYDugBROXKLcbjzW
 Name Seed: ZloJrIBttS1s0t9VZvFQ
 Creature Seed: WL44CMOCq4m1WvKukfRg

and here's the relevant appcrash window windows popped up
Faulting application name: Dwarf Fortress.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x565ca0e6
Faulting module name: Dwarf Fortress.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x565ca0e6
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x003748c0
Faulting process id: 0xebc
Faulting application start time: 0x01d12c75e3c52adf
Faulting application path: D:\games\df_42_01\Dwarf Fortress.exe
Faulting module path: D:\games\df_42_01\Dwarf Fortress.exe
Report Id: 331cd667-986b-11e5-bb03-bc5ff45ac106
Additional InformationMore seeds:
Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4444445
 Seed: Is0SYWqKuuUKY8M6Skmq
 History Seed: 08a8wMs8KaGgC8iMiuGY
 Name Seed: 46wYocCOGO8C6A48qagk
 Creature Seed: iIak6C8Oc8GkMa4YIsC4

Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4344445
 Seed: nJwOzSmGqqzhzdrbxgDm
 History Seed: R4adwIN4G1lcd8DI9LlU
 Name Seed: VXozFYhphOZ82bVZH57k
 Creature Seed: enWk684Oc4CBI50YEJd4

Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4344445
 Seed: LvQIhoUEgMHJjJHpd2xc
 History Seed: d06vYmlymLVal8PaTvF8
 Name Seed: 3Lkv7W7vdMJyOfDJTR9o
 Creature Seed: ij8IEakEyCmrUfA8klty

Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 5433444
 Seed: 0gg8M4uUMgsy0G08OKkg
 History Seed: CICWWUowgEkYwW2sAKki
 Name Seed: AYAgQUWU6gw6WSW6CQM0
 Creature Seed: I8yU8QqgEoa2cgq6uU06
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009125 resolvedToady One Freeze when placing civilizations during worldgen 
parent of 0009129 resolvedToady One Crash when calendar is advancing 
parent of 0009248 assigneduser11 Crash on World Gen 
parent of 0009247 resolvedToady One Crash (null pointer) during world generation (on Mac) 
has duplicate 0009128 resolveduser1294 Crash during world generation / history 
has duplicate 0009256 resolveduser11 Game crashes during worldgen 
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.



2015-12-01 12:48

reporter   ~0033197

oh if it matters i paused it once and then resumed it


2015-12-01 12:56

reporter   ~0033200
might be a duplicate bug


2015-12-01 12:58

reporter   ~0033201

nay, pausing it doesn't matter, it crashes either way.


2015-12-01 12:58

reporter   ~0033202

heres my save folder after 2 crashes


2015-12-01 12:58

reporter   ~0033203

I'm getting lots of crashes when during the "placing civilizations" phase.


2015-12-01 16:08

reporter   ~0033224

Last edited: 2015-12-01 16:44

I'm getting the crash during world gen, but not at the placing civs phase.
The crash also seems to keep occurring around the 100y mark.

Note that the dwarves also seem excessively aggressive or prolific populating a large amount of the map.

Medium World
Medium History
High Civ
High Sites
High Savagery
Everywhere Minerals

Here are three Worldgen seeds that crashed.

Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4444445
 Seed: Is0SYWqKuuUKY8M6Skmq
 History Seed: 08a8wMs8KaGgC8iMiuGY
 Name Seed: 46wYocCOGO8C6A48qagk
 Creature Seed: iIak6C8Oc8GkMa4YIsC4
Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4344445
 Seed: nJwOzSmGqqzhzdrbxgDm
 History Seed: R4adwIN4G1lcd8DI9LlU
 Name Seed: VXozFYhphOZ82bVZH57k
 Creature Seed: enWk684Oc4CBI50YEJd4
Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4344445
 Seed: LvQIhoUEgMHJjJHpd2xc
 History Seed: d06vYmlymLVal8PaTvF8
 Name Seed: 3Lkv7W7vdMJyOfDJTR9o
 Creature Seed: ij8IEakEyCmrUfA8klty


2015-12-01 16:36

manager   ~0033226

Reminder sent to: Untelligent

Are those crashes or hangs? There's a hang issue reported regarding that stage of worldgen at 0009125.


2015-12-01 16:37

manager   ~0033227

To everyone: Worldgen seeds would be very helpful for Toady to reproduce the problem more easily - see the report description for an example. You should be able to find the most recently-used seeds near the bottom of gamelog.txt in the DF folder.


2015-12-01 18:10

reporter   ~0033233

As Requested, this world crashed the game.
Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 5433444
 Seed: 0gg8M4uUMgsy0G08OKkg
 History Seed: CICWWUowgEkYwW2sAKki
 Name Seed: AYAgQUWU6gw6WSW6CQM0
 Creature Seed: I8yU8QqgEoa2cgq6uU06


2015-12-01 18:27

manager   ~0033234

Added those - thanks!


2015-12-01 20:05

reporter   ~0033241

This world crashed during worldgen, df 42.01, Win 8.1 64-bit. No pauses or other interaction with the window.

Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4333344
 Seed: RTqARaiCUOL9jhdP7uBq
 History Seed: xq8BySf8O3ji5Qlc1r9q
 Name Seed: 7FuTfkVn9AfYOdBPTtPw
 Creature Seed: 8ruiAaKogQWZMNcMWlrs


2015-12-01 20:10

reporter   ~0033242

World gen crash on Win 7 64-bit:

Generating world using parameter set CREATE WORLD NOW = 4334435
 Seed: WSa8wYMA4Q8WymgYaiK0
 History Seed: iiqQIKOgEEAEIkImiOi6
 Name Seed: QAagqi6aSksmGYKKYuey
 Creature Seed: UCaKKi6aEYCmOssmC4sq

Toady One

2015-12-03 12:42

administrator   ~0033350

Since it was on poetry form creation, the freeze can happen during placing civs, or later in world generation when a skilled poet invents a new form (which is usually rare and late).

So it's also useful to know if these crashes are to desktop or if they are freezes/hangs/locks.

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-01 12:48 anotak New Issue
2015-12-01 12:48 anotak Note Added: 0033197
2015-12-01 12:56 anotak Note Added: 0033200
2015-12-01 12:58 maqertas Note Added: 0033201
2015-12-01 12:58 anotak Note Added: 0033202
2015-12-01 12:58 Untelligent Note Added: 0033203
2015-12-01 13:37 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0009128
2015-12-01 13:37 user1294 Relationship added related to 0009125
2015-12-01 13:37 user1294 Relationship added parent of 0009129
2015-12-01 13:40 user1294 Assigned To => user1294
2015-12-01 13:40 user1294 Status new => confirmed
2015-12-01 16:08 Gentlefood Note Added: 0033224
2015-12-01 16:09 Gentlefood Note Edited: 0033224
2015-12-01 16:36 lethosor Note Added: 0033226
2015-12-01 16:37 lethosor Note Added: 0033227
2015-12-01 16:44 Gentlefood Note Edited: 0033224
2015-12-01 18:10 Arnos Note Added: 0033233
2015-12-01 18:27 lethosor Note Added: 0033234
2015-12-01 18:27 lethosor Additional Information Updated
2015-12-01 20:05 barconis Note Added: 0033241
2015-12-01 20:10 Aquillion Note Added: 0033242
2015-12-03 12:42 Toady One Note Added: 0033350
2015-12-06 17:21 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0009256
2015-12-06 17:21 user11 Relationship added parent of 0009248
2015-12-06 17:26 user11 Relationship added parent of 0009247