View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009191Dwarf FortressMiscellaneous Crashespublic2015-12-12 14:11
ReporterEagleon Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OSWindowsOS VersionWindows 7 
Product Version0.42.01 
Fixed in Version0.42.03 
Summary0009191: Crash after retiring a location with all or part of any assigned meeting zone removed.
DescriptionCreated a temple from a meeting zone. Removed the meeting zone first, and then retired the temple. Instant crash.

Also crashes in the same way:
After making Inns or Libraries
After removing just part of the meeting zone.
After removing a dining room from a tavern.

Multiple meeting zones assigned to a location will behave the same way if some part is removed.

The game doesn't crash if the Temple/Inn/Library is retired first.
Steps To ReproduceCreate a meeting zone, and a location for it
Remove some or all of the meeting zone, then remove the location. The order is important.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0009203 resolveduser1294 Crash when retiring one amongst many Temples 
has duplicate 0009299 resolveduser1294 CTD when retiring tavern 
has duplicate 0009308 resolveduser1294 Crash when retiring location 



2015-12-04 21:36


Confirming due to duplicate report.


2015-12-06 15:52

reporter   ~0033526

Last edited: 2015-12-06 15:54

I encountered something similar.

I made a room with some tables and chairs and designated it as an inn (I think I toggled the designated table as a meeting hall afterwards). I also added some inn rooms without any issue.

Much much later on in the save, I tried to retire the location and crashed.

Saves are here:

This is version 0.42.02 by the way, not 0.42.01 in the original report

Toady One

2015-12-07 13:15

administrator   ~0033592

I could get some of these to reproduce, and others not, but the crash I fixed here for next time would conceivably cover them all. We can re-examine it with 0.42.03.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-03 10:17 Eagleon New Issue
2015-12-04 03:46 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0009203
2015-12-04 21:36 user11 Note Added: 0033419
2015-12-04 21:36 user11 Assigned To => user11
2015-12-04 21:36 user11 Status new => confirmed
2015-12-06 15:52 scionreaver Note Added: 0033526
2015-12-06 15:54 scionreaver Note Edited: 0033526
2015-12-07 13:15 Toady One Note Added: 0033592
2015-12-07 13:15 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2015-12-07 13:15 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2015-12-07 13:15 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2015-12-07 13:15 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One
2015-12-10 05:23 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0009299
2015-12-11 03:11 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0009308