View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009244Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Activity Zonespublic2017-11-29 21:26
Reporterspwndlove Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version7
Product Version0.42.01 
Fixed in Version0.42.03 
Summary0009244: Scribes rarely, if ever, copy works in the library
DescriptionScribes almost never copy works. I would say "never" but someone on reddit said their scribe copied one work after a long long time. Clearly this isn't working as intended. I expect that if the "total number of each to scribe" is set to more than 1 and your library has available reading materials, then the scribe should make as many copies of each work in the library as is requested.
Steps To ReproduceSet up a fully stocked library (tables, chairs, writing materials, bookcases) with books both written by dwarves in your fort and purchased from traders on the shelves.

Assign a dwarf to the Scribe occupation and disable all their labors. Set "Total number of each to scribe" to a high value (like 4) in the location menu.

Wait for months/seasons/years while your scribe doesn't copy any books.
Additional InformationThis has been corroborated by others on the forum and reddit.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009950 resolvedToady One Scribes do not scribe 
related to 0009787 resolvedToady One Scribes intermittently stop copying works in the library 


Toady One

2015-12-08 14:12

administrator   ~0033642

I might have just fixed this, but I'll need a save to check.


2015-12-08 14:57


Reminder sent to: spwndlove

Do you have a save demonstrating this issue? If so, please compress (.zip) your DF/data/save/region folder, upload it to, and post a link to it in the bug report.

Toady may have fixed it and needs a save to verify. Thanks.


2015-12-08 21:33

reporter   ~0033662

Last edited: 2015-12-08 21:35

OK, I uploaded my save. Here's the link:

Toady One

2015-12-09 12:40

administrator   ~0033681

Cool -- I saw the scribe copy Position for Everyone and another book, so it seems to be working.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-05 19:34 spwndlove New Issue
2015-12-08 14:12 Toady One Note Added: 0033642
2015-12-08 14:12 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2015-12-08 14:12 Toady One Status new => feedback
2015-12-08 14:57 user11 Note Added: 0033646
2015-12-08 21:33 spwndlove Note Added: 0033662
2015-12-08 21:33 spwndlove Status feedback => assigned
2015-12-08 21:35 spwndlove Note Edited: 0033662
2015-12-09 12:40 Toady One Note Added: 0033681
2015-12-09 12:40 Toady One Status assigned => resolved
2015-12-09 12:40 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2015-12-09 12:40 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2017-05-06 09:24 lethosor Relationship added related to 0009950
2017-11-29 21:16 user11 Relationship added related to 0009787