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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009352Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Huntingpublic2015-12-15 06:34
ReporterNolanSyKinsley Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSManjaroOS VersionOB community
Product Version0.42.03 
Summary0009352: Hunters too obsessed with hunting.
DescriptionTwo different issues arise from this:

A. They say they cancel hunting because they are out of ammo, but I have plenty of ammo and even unforbid ammo on the map, but they just keep canceling and re-initiating hunting over and over in a futile loop until they get tired for the day.

When they cancel due to no ammo they should have a pick up ammo from stockpile action next, not just return to hunting with no ammo, or even better, every hunting trip starts with a stop at the ammo stockpile if they have less than 50% ammo. That way there doesn't need to be a second task added conditionally.

B. They never make it to their bed. I am constantly finding hunters asleep in the hallways, stairs, mess hall, everywhere, even when assigned a room. I believe this is because they are too pre-occupied hunting and by the time they get tired and go to eat then sleep they only have enough time to eat before they pass out on the spot.
Steps To Reproducehave hunters?
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2015-12-15 06:06


Do you have that ammo accessible also out of containers?
0008755, "Items in bins (coins, thread, mechanisms, ammo) are sometimes not found for tasks"

Are your hunters also in military?
0008345, "hunters in the military stuck in equipment loop"

Hunters not caring about bedrooms is old stuff though I haven't found it reported here in Mantis yet. Probably intentional.

"A dwarf with the hunting labor enabled will sleep outside" in wiki article for version 40d, years ago (


2015-12-15 06:34

reporter   ~0033920

Last edited: 2015-12-15 13:51

No, they are not in the military.

If I cancel the hunting labor in dwarf therapist and re-enable it, even when paused, they run off and go grab ammo, so I know the ammo is visible and available to them, they are just re-initiating the hunting labor the instant it is canceled instead of going to retrieve ammo.

I would understand them falling asleep outside, but they are falling asleep in the hallway on the way to their room it seems, I have also found them sleeping on top of the wine barrels and in the stairways leading down to the housing.

I see there was a fix in 2010 for hunters to grab ammo more reliably when out, perhaps there has been a regression?

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-15 03:07 NolanSyKinsley New Issue
2015-12-15 06:06 user8971 Note Added: 0033917
2015-12-15 06:34 NolanSyKinsley Note Added: 0033920
2015-12-15 07:03 NolanSyKinsley Note Edited: 0033920
2015-12-15 13:51 NolanSyKinsley Note Edited: 0033920