View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009388Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Immigrationpublic2016-03-28 11:51
ReporterMokkun Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformWindowsOSWindows 10OS VersionPro X64
Product Version0.42.03 
Summary0009388: Tavern not attracting guests.
DescriptionTavern in long run fort, whit multiple artefacts. Open to visitors, not attracting guests.

Fort is atrackting Human Caravans, Goblin sieges, 1 tower attack and Dwarf Caravan.
Steps To ReproduceUnknown.
Additional InformationSave generated in 0.42.xx
save at
TagsNo tags attached.



2015-12-19 08:06


How long is that tavern set to "all visitors welcomed"? Are you using vanilla DF, third party tools or have you modded your raws in any way?


2015-12-19 10:06

reporter   ~0034050

Phobeus graphics pack, Dwarf therapist, no alterations to files manualy. 10 years plus and always open for all.


2015-12-19 21:49

reporter   ~0034064

I looked at the save file (idk if this is the problem) you have a dining table set as a room for the tavern. I used a zone (and only a zone) and I get visitors so try using that.


2015-12-20 03:46

reporter   ~0034068

Gah. I knew I should have doublecheked that back 6 gameyears after the crash.. Thanks. Ill check if that fixes it. if it does. ill amend the bug to reflext if it was because of designed from table. (Currently both table and zone designated).


2015-12-22 15:36

reporter   ~0034132

Gone a few more years and still no visitors. Now I can guarantee that its zoned from both table and from meeting zone.


2016-03-28 09:58

reporter   ~0034931

this might be an issue with older worlds because visitors must be historical figures. In my game, which uses a almost-3000 year old small evil world, the humans and dwarves are extinct and elves and goblins scattered; megabeasts are rampant. I only get 1 very rare visitor labeled "traveller" a human crossbowman. I got the same guy on two occasions now so i'm sure he isn't generated. Another save with a 300-year old world in a similar setting got plenty of visitors and even whole groups asking to join.


2016-03-28 11:51

reporter   ~0034932

I suspect the other civs have to do reasonably well (and thus have people available to travel the world) for visitors to arrive. About half a dozen fortresses in pocket worlds (0.42.X, of course) have yielded a total of 1 visitor.
When I tired of no visitors when trying to test the new 0.42.X stuff and went to a larger world with healthy neighbors the visitors came swarming in droves.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-19 07:40 Mokkun New Issue
2015-12-19 08:06 user8971 Note Added: 0034047
2015-12-19 10:06 Mokkun Note Added: 0034050
2015-12-19 21:49 mantomanwar Note Added: 0034064
2015-12-20 03:46 Mokkun Note Added: 0034068
2015-12-22 15:36 Mokkun Note Added: 0034132
2016-03-28 09:58 Catsup Note Added: 0034931
2016-03-28 11:51 PatrikLundell Note Added: 0034932