View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009473Dwarf FortressPathfindingpublic2016-01-17 05:11
ReporterLocupleto Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version0.42.04 
Summary0009473: Can’t link lever to doors
DescriptionJobs linking a specific lever to several doors are suspended by dwarfs, not being able to find the path. There is a clearly open path between the lever and doors.

Have a lever with several jobs to connect to various doors on the same level. There are some passable doors between the lever and the doors. May be a problem finding the mechanism but I'm not sure how to check for that. There are several link jobs that will get suspended however. The jobs are suspended with a message that the dwarf couldn’t find the path.

There are message in errorlog.txt:

This fortress was created in 42.03, and this error appeared in that version. Currently running under 42.04 with this issue.

Have tried saving and reloading. Have also tried forbidding and then forbidding a door as this has been known to fix some pathing issues. Neither action has helped.

Image showing the lever and doors
Steps To ReproduceNot sure how to re-produce in another fortress, but a save of this fortress has been uploaded:

Just load and let it run, you will see a job suspended messages.
TagsNo tags attached.



2016-01-14 03:01

reporter   ~0034422

Dwarves suspend linking a door to a trigger if the door is already linked to something (operated by mechanisms) and closed, with the announcement "could not find path". That's annoying.


2016-01-14 07:17


I downloaded your save but can't see any door with mechanisms in them or locked ones on level 96. With which door are you trying to connect that granite level? That image is not showing for me.

After downloading there was really several suspensions. I cancelled some jobs to get more workforce, made mechanism stockpile in the control room and tried to link those levers there to few doors in the south drain area. Jobs got assigned without suspensions though I didn't wait for the completion of job.

P.S.: Locupleto, in such big fort you may want to look at "H"ot Keys for fast change of viewed area.


2016-01-14 12:19

reporter   ~0034428

Dwarfs suspend linkage to a door if they cannot path into the door's tile. This holds both for lever-linked shut doors and for (unlinked) locked doors. To allow linking, unlock the door or order the lever pulled so the dwarf can access the spot.
(It seems that this path check is done when the dwarf picks up the mechanism that goes into the door. Once it's been picked up, the door can be re-locked while the dwarf is in transit; the job performs normally.)

I consider it an annoying bug, since dwarfs normally won't step into the door's tile when linking, so the path requirement feels illogical.


2016-01-17 05:11

reporter   ~0034449

While leaving the link to door jobs suspended, it was possible to link a different lever to the same doors. The new lever is working properly. Perhaps this is a matter of a bugged lever.

Detros: Thank you for the Tip. That’s coming in handy already ; )

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-01-13 11:20 Locupleto New Issue
2016-01-14 03:01 RanDoom Note Added: 0034422
2016-01-14 07:17 user8971 Note Added: 0034423
2016-01-14 12:19 Larix2 Note Added: 0034428
2016-01-17 05:11 Locupleto Note Added: 0034449