View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009792Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Generalpublic2016-06-04 14:10
ReporterSteveTheRed Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformWindowsOSWindows 7OS VersionSP 1
Product Version0.43.03 
Fixed in Version0.43.04 
Summary0009792: Managed jobs decrement all like orders, producing wrong number of total items
DescriptionManaged jobs seem to count each item produced against all jobs that match it, which can result in fewer items being produced than you ordered.
Steps To ReproduceQueue up multiple jobs for the same thing (for example, 4 beds, 4 beds and 4 beds). Watch progress and note that only 6 beds are produced, not 12.
Additional InformationEach time an item is produced, it is counted against every pending job that matches.

While the above example is trivial, quite often I want to have a job queue with an assortment of items for a high priority task, followed by a bunch of low priority production, often for the same items. So bed-door-cabinets-coffers for a noble room, then bed-door sets for the peasantry.

The count also only seems to be decremented for jobs other than the topmost priority if it's not the last item of the order. So for the 4/4/4 example above, it goes to 3/3/3, then 2/2/2, then 1/1/1, then 1/1 (first one finished and doesn't wipe out the other two), then 1, then complete with 6 beds having been made.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0009803 resolveduser11 Manager gets confused by multiple small orders 
has duplicate 0009537 resolveduser11 Gold crafts fulfilling manager order for rock crafts 



2016-05-24 19:31

reporter   ~0035294

Update: the counts for jobs to produce the same item are decremented even if the other job has not started yet (because of a condition).


2016-05-25 15:11


Reminder sent to: SteveTheRed

Steve, post a save where this is happening. I've witnessed it myself, so I'll confirm it with a save.


2016-05-25 22:58

reporter   ~0035304

Well, ok:

It's trivial to reproduce, so here's an example showing it in a brand new fort.


2016-05-29 15:32

reporter   ~0035332

Just wanted to link this to mine. I encountered something similar in my report 0009803

As OP poste, it's trivial to produce. I don't know why a save is even required for this. I posted steps to produce in my report.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-05-23 22:33 SteveTheRed New Issue
2016-05-24 19:31 SteveTheRed Note Added: 0035294
2016-05-25 15:11 user11 Note Added: 0035299
2016-05-25 15:11 user11 Assigned To => user11
2016-05-25 15:11 user11 Status new => feedback
2016-05-25 22:58 SteveTheRed Note Added: 0035304
2016-05-25 22:58 SteveTheRed Status feedback => assigned
2016-05-26 14:03 user11 Status assigned => confirmed
2016-05-26 14:04 user11 Summary Managed jobs produce wrong number of items => Managed jobs decrement all like orders, producing wrong number of total items
2016-05-28 19:13 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0009803
2016-05-29 15:32 Chthon Note Added: 0035332
2016-06-04 14:10 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2016-06-04 14:10 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2016-06-04 14:10 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2016-06-04 14:10 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One
2017-11-18 01:04 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0009537