View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009855Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Generalpublic2016-07-01 13:19
ReporterWitty Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OSWindows 7 
Product Version0.43.04 
Fixed in Version0.43.05 
Summary0009855: Game doesn't close properly, crashes upon quitting
DescriptionAs of the newest version, the game sometimes doesn't close properly. Upon quitting, the game screen itself successfully manages to close, but the DF directory will still say it's in use if prompted (like moving the directory immediately after closing). This is followed by a crash. Also, the game music will sometimes play a few seconds after closing the game proper before a crash.

Note that this doesn't seem to happen all the time, but rather randomly. I'm not sure if there's anything in particular that's done in-game to trigger the crash - but it's occurring on both my Window 7 machines.
Steps To ReproduceOpen Dwarf Fortress

Play around a bit

Quit Dwarf Fortress
Additional InformationWorth noting that this crash doesn't occur on the legacy version at all, so I'm guessing this has something to do with the new compiler/SDL issue that was mentioned in a devlog.
TagsNo tags attached.



2016-06-21 09:04

reporter   ~0035442

As I've stated before, I've inexplicably encountered this with the SDL version, but not the legacy version. So far, unlike as you've said it happens consistently for me, not at random. I'd use the legacy version, but something about it makes it look hideous at the window/tile settings I normally use. ;w;

Once I'm out and about on the laptop I'll see if the results are the same on it. Both are Windows 7, 32-bit though. Might snag a relative's Vista laptop to try it too, while I'm at it.


2016-06-21 09:31

reporter   ~0035445

Here's an example of the exact error message Windows gives when the crash occurs, courtesy of Random_Dragon


2016-06-21 10:40

reporter   ~0035447

That would be me, yes. Can at least remove it from Dropbox now.


2016-06-21 10:41

reporter   ~0035448

Last edited: 2016-06-21 11:16

And...oh. Dafuq. I said I'd test this on the laptop, and instead I encounter on it. >.>

EDIT: Easily fixed via the link you provided in that issue. I can now confirm that THIS issue persists on my laptop as well.


2016-06-22 09:57

reporter   ~0035469

Here's some more weirdness. I thought previous that it consistently crashed, but the past few times on both desktop and laptop, it hasn't. Increasingly peculiar.


2016-06-23 18:39

reporter   ~0035476

This issue seems to have been resolved as of Toady's recent test builds found <---here

So chances are this'll remain fixed in the next officially released version

Many thanks to NCommander and Quietust for figuring out the issue.


2016-06-29 18:18

manager   ~0035521

Do the recently-posted test versions at fix this?


2016-06-29 19:02

reporter   ~0035527

For me at least, yes


2016-07-01 13:19

manager   ~0035538

I'll mark it as fixed for 0.43.05, then. If the newest test versions don't work for anyone, it would be good to let Toady know in the 0.43.04 thread, or on whatever thread is open at, since that's where a lot of discussion about MSVC 2015 and 64-bit issues has taken place. You should also PM me or other manager(s) on the forum too, to have this ticket reopened.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-06-21 08:56 Witty New Issue
2016-06-21 09:04 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035442
2016-06-21 09:31 Witty Note Added: 0035445
2016-06-21 10:40 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035447
2016-06-21 10:41 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035448
2016-06-21 11:16 chaosvolt Note Edited: 0035448
2016-06-22 09:57 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035469
2016-06-23 18:39 Witty Note Added: 0035476
2016-06-29 18:18 lethosor Note Added: 0035521
2016-06-29 18:18 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor
2016-06-29 18:18 lethosor Status new => feedback
2016-06-29 19:02 Witty Note Added: 0035527
2016-06-29 19:02 Witty Status feedback => assigned
2016-07-01 13:19 lethosor Note Added: 0035538
2016-07-01 13:19 lethosor Status assigned => resolved
2016-07-01 13:19 lethosor Fixed in Version => 51.06
2016-07-01 13:19 lethosor Resolution open => fixed
2016-07-01 13:19 lethosor Assigned To lethosor => Toady One