View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009923Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Skills and Professionspublic2016-08-02 07:31
ReporterNameIHave Assigned Touser8971 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformWindowsOSWindows 10 32 bitOS VersionWindows 10
Product Version0.43.05 
Summary0009923: Performer Dwarves Listed As Resident Performers After Strange Mood
DescriptionOne of my performers dwarves (for the fortress) gotten a strange mood and created an artifact. Only problem: all performers for the fortress became listed as resident performers.
Steps To Reproduce1. Make all dwarves performers for fortress
2. Get a strange mood and succeed
TagsNo tags attached.



2016-07-17 15:43


So one of the visitors who came to your fort to perform and who was not yet granted residency got into mood and created an artifact. Then all other such visitors asked for residency and got it immediately granted?

What do you mean by that "Make all dwarves performers for fortress"? I thought all citizens of fort can be assigned as performers only for given location and general fortress performers are just visitors without any rights yet? Do I remember it false? Or did you write that "all dwarves" just to raise the chance of this issue to appear?

Would you have a save stored before those "performers for the fortress became listed as resident performer", somewhere when that one perform got into mood? Posting it (zipped save folder) to may help.


2016-07-18 08:11

reporter   ~0035653

Last edited: 2016-07-18 08:12

I created a tavern and assigned some performers, but apparently the fortress's name came up first and so they became fortress performers. (The only save that's before the strange mood is the first summer.), I got the mood after a year.


2016-07-23 01:55


So those performers you assigned to that tavern were just visitors at that time? And once that mood appeared one year later they suddenly were no more performing visitors but owners of full citizenship?


2016-08-02 07:31

reporter   ~0035737

No, my dwarves were all performers (I was experimenting with the occupations, and some were for the fortress.(l->{fortress's name}-> assign occupation-Performer))Then, one of the performers I assigned to the fortress got a strange mood and succeeded.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-07-17 14:25 NameIHave New Issue
2016-07-17 15:43 user8971 Note Added: 0035643
2016-07-17 15:43 user8971 Assigned To => user8971
2016-07-17 15:43 user8971 Status new => feedback
2016-07-18 08:11 NameIHave Note Added: 0035653
2016-07-18 08:11 NameIHave Status feedback => assigned
2016-07-18 08:12 NameIHave Note Edited: 0035653
2016-07-23 01:55 user8971 Note Added: 0035684
2016-08-02 07:31 NameIHave Note Added: 0035737