Dwarf Fortress - Change Log
Released 2025-03-12
0012102: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Military] Bolts falling through floors. 0010830: [Dwarf Mode -- Combat] Falling objects (bolts, body parts, etc.) glitch through floor into rooms below (Loci) 0013091: [Technical -- Sound] Adventure Mode sound is controlled by both "Adventure" and "Fortress" sound level settings (Toady One) 0013100: [Adventure Mode -- Travel] announcements not displayed on travel screen (Toady One) 0013101: [Adventure Mode -- Inventory] direction of containers in inventory is wrong when placing items (Toady One) 0013111: [Adventure Mode -- Character Creation] Adventure character creation gives ore in stacks, which do not smelt properly (Toady One) 0013090: [Dwarf Mode -- Pets] War animals marked for slaughter does not lose slaughter flag after becoming a pet (Toady One) 0013097: [Adventure Mode -- Movement] [Adv Mode 51.05] FPS counter partially overlaps movement speed UI element (Toady One)
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