Dwarf Fortress - Change Log
Released 2014-09-17
0001710: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Stockpiles] "Gather remains from outside" actually means "gather remains from above ground" (Toady One) 0006483: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Military] Siege engines don't properly respect operator skill level (Toady One) 0007015: [Dwarf Mode -- Embark/Setup] List of neighbors on Embark screen includes "Town." (Toady One) 0004113: [Vegetation] Large grazers (elephants and giraffes) can't eat fast enough to keep from starving (Toady One) 0006512: [Dwarf Mode -- Thoughts and Preferences] Cave Adaptation broken, does not cause pain, stun, or nausea (Toady One) 0003781: [Dwarf Mode -- Buildings, Machines] Lever can be linked to same target more than once (Toady One) 0008278: [Technical -- General] This save file crashes. (Toady One) 0002222: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Cleaning] Dwarf tries to clean missing body part (Toady One) 0008105: [Contaminants/Spatter] Dwarves unable to clean "pool of water" left by a Forgotten Beast (Toady One) 0002506: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Cleaning] Dwarves attempting to clean water puddles out of dug-out frozen river (Toady One) 0002626: [Dwarf Mode -- Items] Refuse placed Above Ground but Inside randomly disappears (Toady One) 0001140: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Cleaning] "Clean" job uses underground/aboveground instead of inside/outside to determine what gets cleaned (Toady One) 0007718: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Burial] Placing corpses in coffins requires Item Hauling instead of Burial labor (Toady One) 0004367: [Vegetation] Animals all try to graze from pasture's top left corner, starvation ensues (Toady One) 0004446: [Creatures] Grazing hungry animals eat slower - snowballs starvation (Toady One) 0004354: [Creatures] Giant critters size changed, Grazer not changed (Toady One) 0007585: [Dwarf Mode -- Environment] Trees channel light underground (Toady One) 0007258: [Dwarf Mode -- Environment] Outside areas marked as "Inside" (Toady One) 0007068: [Vegetation] Tile dug under tree trunk growing on rock is considered inside/light/aboveground (Toady One) 0008176: [Dwarf Mode -- Pets] Animals get attached to clothes they're wearing (Toady One) 0007601: [Dwarf Mode -- Reclaim] Animals wearing clothes in reclaimed fortress (Toady One) 0004450: [Adventure Mode -- Retirement] Goblin mounts encountered in Adv Mode are wearing clothing and trinkets made from their kills (Toady One) 0007588: [Dwarf Mode -- Skills and Professions] Social skill gains by attending parties is off the charts (Toady One) 0008272: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, General] Butchering "nearby" check ignores Z-level (Toady One)
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