0009132: [Technical -- General] Dwarf Mode Undetermined 42.01 Crashes That No Longer Crash in 42.02. (user11)
0008719: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Constructions (walls etc)] Building constructions over parts of trees crashes (Toady One)
0009129: [General] Crash when calendar is advancing (Toady One)
0009187: [Adventure Mode -- Character Creation] Values/Personality selector Typo (Toady One)
0009182: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, General] Vampire true names (and therefore their vampiric nature) revealed upon assigning occupations. (Toady One)
0009148: [Dwarf Mode -- Immigration] Crash always occuring after immigrant wave (Toady One)
0009125: [World Generation -- General] Freeze when placing civilizations during worldgen (Toady One)
7 issues View Issues