View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010373Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Reclaimpublic2018-01-03 22:51
ReporterCharizard Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx84-64OSWindowsOS Version10 - 1709
Product Version0.44.02 
Fixed in Version0.44.04 
Summary0010373: Artifacts in pedestals are duplicated when a fortress is retired
DescriptionWhen I retired and unretired a fortress after placing a retrieved slab in a pedestal, the slab appeared outside the pedestal, but it was still in the pedestal at the same time.
Steps To Reproduce- Send a squad to retrieve an artifact
- Place the artifact in a pedestal
- Retire the fortress
- Unretire it
Additional InformationSaves: (0.44.03)


related to 0001179 acknowledgedlethosor Artifacts picked up in Adventure Mode get duplicated and disappear when leaving site 
related to 0010457 confirmeduser8971 Adventurer inventory items found duplicated as loot in lairs, caves, etc. 
has duplicate 0010427 resolvedLoci Items prefer pedestals to backpacks 



2017-12-23 07:42

reporter   ~0037386

Last edited: 2017-12-23 07:42

Possibly related to 0001179.


2017-12-27 08:56

manager   ~0037409

"the slab appeared outside the fortress"

Does this mean on the local map but outside of the display case, or somewhere else in the world?


2017-12-27 09:43

reporter   ~0037411

On the local map.


2017-12-27 12:08

manager   ~0037413

Last edited: 2017-12-27 12:17

Confirmed with a display case in 0.44.03. Some notes:

- The items are actually the same item_slabst instance, with an ID of 0
- The position of the item is outside of the display case, so zooming to it from the stocks screen goes there
- Dismantling the display case leaves just the display case

In other words, the display case doesn't actually contain the item, but the building's vectors (the two at the end of building_display_furniturest, separated by a pointer) still refer to it.

Edit: the save I tested:

Toady One

2018-01-03 22:51

administrator   ~0037491

I've fixed this, though displayed items from old-version retired forts may scatter now (as the data couldn't be preserved.) They shouldn't scatter in the new version for new forts.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-11-27 09:25 Charizard New Issue
2017-12-23 07:42 Quietust Note Added: 0037386
2017-12-23 07:42 Quietust Note Edited: 0037386
2017-12-26 04:39 Charizard Tag Attached: artifacts
2017-12-27 08:55 lethosor Relationship added related to 0001179
2017-12-27 08:56 lethosor Note Added: 0037409
2017-12-27 08:56 lethosor Tag Detached: artifacts
2017-12-27 09:43 Charizard Note Added: 0037411
2017-12-27 11:55 lethosor Description Updated
2017-12-27 11:56 lethosor Relationship added related to 0010457
2017-12-27 12:08 lethosor Note Added: 0037413
2017-12-27 12:08 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor
2017-12-27 12:08 lethosor Status new => confirmed
2017-12-27 12:09 lethosor Tag Attached: 0.44.03
2017-12-27 12:09 lethosor Note Edited: 0037413
2017-12-27 12:17 lethosor Note Edited: 0037413
2017-12-27 12:17 lethosor Additional Information Updated
2018-01-03 22:51 Toady One Note Added: 0037491
2018-01-03 22:51 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2018-01-03 22:51 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2018-01-03 22:51 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2018-01-03 22:51 Toady One Assigned To lethosor => Toady One
2018-05-06 16:39 Loci Relationship added has duplicate 0010427