View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010544Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Tradepublic2021-10-19 14:27
ReporterPatrikLundell Assigned ToLoci  
PrioritylowSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version10.1
Product Version0.44.05 
Summary0010544: Elven caravan brought metal (gold, bronze), gem (black diamond) or stone (bismuthinite) pedestal
DescriptionGiven that elves generally do not have access to (normal) metals they probably shouldn't bring metal pedestals either.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009275 acknowledgedlethosor Elf-made instruments have nonsensical materials 
has duplicate 0010724 resolvedLoci Elven merchants can bring Pedestals made from gems 
has duplicate 0010841 resolveduser11 The elves showed up selling grown native platinum 
has duplicate 0010960 resolvedLoci Elves trading weird pedestal materials 



2018-11-30 07:01

reporter   ~0038978

Neither of these even offend elf sensibilities in the first place and anything that falls onto a elf site is laundered with 'grown' status to be used again.

Trade goods are the only outlet that elves have to market metal items, which is where i think they recycling metal items despite not having metalworking trades or access to metal weapons/armor to allocate instead of discarding them.

Usual process goes (animal drops dead = site disassembles, hence 'grown teeth' by elf entity) but for metal objects (metal drops on site = dissassembles >/= reassembled)


2018-12-02 12:51

viewer   ~0038981

v0.44.12: Nimbus125 posted a save in 0010960:


2021-08-11 16:33

reporter   ~0041133

Can confirm in my save in v0.47.05 that elven caravan brought a "grown light yellow diamond altar" - presumably closely related to this bug. The object is indeed decorated using wood


2021-10-19 14:27

reporter   ~0041164

I also just encountered this in 0.47.05. The elves sold me a "grown microcline altar". It is, in fact, decorated with wood. I can provide a save if that would be helpful.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-01-30 09:23 PatrikLundell New Issue
2018-04-25 11:49 Loci Relationship added has duplicate 0010724
2018-04-25 11:51 Loci Summary Elven caravan brought (bronze pedestal) => Elven caravan brought metal (bronze pedestal), gem (black diamond) or stone pedestal
2018-04-25 11:51 Loci Assigned To => Loci
2018-04-25 11:51 Loci Status new => acknowledged
2018-04-25 11:52 Loci Relationship added related to 0009275
2018-07-17 20:16 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0010841
2018-11-30 07:01 FantasticDorf Note Added: 0038978
2018-11-30 12:49 Loci Relationship added has duplicate 0010960
2018-12-02 12:51 Loci Note Added: 0038981
2018-12-02 12:51 Loci Status acknowledged => confirmed
2018-12-02 12:51 Loci Summary Elven caravan brought metal (bronze pedestal), gem (black diamond) or stone pedestal => Elven caravan brought metal (gold, bronze), gem (black diamond) or stone (bismuthinite) pedestal
2021-08-11 16:33 Rugnir Note Added: 0041133
2021-10-19 14:27 sbot Note Added: 0041164