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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001068Dwarf FortressPathfindingpublic2015-12-11 23:48
ReporterGreyhawk Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformWindowsOSVistaOS Versionsp1
Product Version0.31.03 
Fixed in Version0.42.03 
Summary0001068: Dwarves don't choose closest garbage dump (new in 0.31.03!)
DescriptionAfter playing 40d, 31.01 and 31.02 I have not seen this happen till now. Either a new issue or its far more pronounced now.

Dwarves in my save are walking away from a garbage dump 6 tiles away from the stone and going some 60 tiles away (2 z-levels down even).

See below for link to save in action.
Steps To ReproduceHaving several garbage dumps on different levels and designating dump on many stones.
Additional Information
Tagsdumping, pathfinding, Z axis


related to 0001554 resolvedToady One Items not getting dumped because of invisible, unremovable zones  



2010-04-12 22:36

reporter   ~0003205

Last edited: 2010-04-12 22:57

I thought for a moment that it just gives higher priority to dumps near pits than those not near pits, but I was mistaken. Still chooses farther dumps even after I got rid of all garbage dumps near pits.


2010-04-13 17:57

reporter   ~0003346

Afair that isn't new, I realized that in 40d and only use one garbage dump at a time since.


2010-04-13 18:00

reporter   ~0003347

This did happen in 40d when the dumps where differnt levels but closer in range ignoring z levels. The simplified pathfinding most likely is to put less strain on the cpu for mundane tasks.
Is this the case here?


2010-06-08 02:04

reporter   ~0007917

This bug really puts a damper on my 'garbage chute' idea, with a vertical tunnel that has a dwarven atom smasher at the bottom. All the dwarves run down the stairs to bottom-most pit (1 z-level above the DAS) and toss their stones into that, rather than the one that the stone was next to, 11 z-levels above :(


2014-07-23 00:47

reporter   ~0027293

I'm seeing this in 0.40.03:

I created a garbage dump zone by some stones that I wanted removed, inside the fortress. I marked the stones for dumping. The dwarves proceeded to take the stones outside and dump them in a hole (not declared as a pit).


2014-08-11 09:30


Awaiting a save from 0.40.06+.


2014-08-15 01:29

reporter   ~0029080

Save from 0.40.8:


2014-09-13 13:54

reporter   ~0030175

See save above.


2014-09-13 14:51



Toady One

2015-12-10 15:34

administrator   ~0033748

Last edited: 2015-12-10 15:37

I understand the frustration with Z levels, but it's hard to calculate those distances quickly -- if I deal with that, it'll be part of a large pathing rewrite that has to account for central stairwells in some special way. Are there any saves where this occurs with the horizontal distances? The original report indicates there were, unless they meant 30 tiles over and 30 tiles back.


2015-12-10 16:21

manager   ~0033750

Last edited: 2015-12-10 16:21

Would it not be possible to simply say, for each garbage dump, get distX + distY + distZ, and return the closest? It would ignore walls, and it would be somewhat messy, but it [should] work in a way that's a lot cleaner than how it works now (ignoring z-levels entirely).

Toady One

2015-12-11 21:34

administrator   ~0033792

It doesn't ignore Z levels entirely. That's why I'm asking.


2015-12-11 23:16

manager   ~0033793

Ah, misunderstood then, apologies.

Toady One

2015-12-11 23:48

administrator   ~0033794

I went ahead and messed around with the job z-calcs a bit, enough to address this problem (I think). Hopefully I didn't break anything else.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-12 21:52 Greyhawk New Issue
2010-04-12 22:08 Greyhawk Tag Attached: dumping
2010-04-12 22:36 Greyhawk Note Added: 0003205
2010-04-12 22:57 Greyhawk Note Edited: 0003205
2010-04-13 17:57 udontknowme Note Added: 0003346
2010-04-13 18:00 Cryten Note Added: 0003347
2010-04-13 18:01 Cryten Tag Attached: Z axis
2010-04-28 18:16 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0001621
2010-04-28 18:16 Logical2u Relationship deleted has duplicate 0001621
2010-06-08 02:04 philomory Note Added: 0007917
2010-06-08 05:47 user6 Relationship added related to 0001554
2014-07-23 00:47 lightman Note Added: 0027293
2014-08-11 09:27 user6 Assigned To => user6
2014-08-11 09:27 user6 Status new => confirmed
2014-08-11 09:30 user6 Note Added: 0028803
2014-08-11 09:30 user6 Status confirmed => feedback
2014-08-15 01:29 Kirkegaard Note Added: 0029080
2014-08-18 16:07 Kirkegaard Tag Attached: pathfinding
2014-09-13 13:54 Kirkegaard Note Added: 0030175
2014-09-13 14:51 user6 Note Added: 0030177
2014-09-13 14:51 user6 Status feedback => assigned
2015-12-10 15:34 Toady One Note Added: 0033748
2015-12-10 15:34 Toady One Assigned To user6 => Toady One
2015-12-10 15:34 Toady One Status assigned => feedback
2015-12-10 15:37 Toady One Note Edited: 0033748
2015-12-10 16:21 Talvieno Note Added: 0033750
2015-12-10 16:21 Talvieno Note Edited: 0033750
2015-12-11 21:34 Toady One Note Added: 0033792
2015-12-11 23:16 Talvieno Note Added: 0033793
2015-12-11 23:48 Toady One Note Added: 0033794
2015-12-11 23:48 Toady One Status feedback => resolved
2015-12-11 23:48 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2015-12-11 23:48 Toady One Resolution open => fixed