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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001092Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2014-11-19 06:42
Reportersmjjames Assigned Touser6 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version0.31.03 
Summary0001092: Blizzard men lack CANNOT_UNDEAD and are generally unfinished
DescriptionThis is probably directly related to the report of blizzard men bleeding in magma, which I've observed myself.

I haven't tested what happens to undead Blizzard Men in magma.
Steps To ReproduceGo to Arena, select Blizzard men and toggle the undead switch.
TagsProbable Quick Fix, undead


has duplicate 0002827 resolveduser6 Blizzard man has [BODY_DETAIL_PLAN:HUMANOID_RIBCAGE_POSITIONS] but no ribs 
related to 0000264 new Magma man destroys blizzard man's fat without causing other damage 
related to 0005012 new Blizzard men in cages will burn forever 



2010-04-13 10:56

reporter   ~0003290

Last edited: 2010-04-13 11:10

Okay on making the title more concise, but I don't get the generally unfinished.

An update here, I let a zombie and a skeletal Blizzard Man marinate in magma for a while and they are immortal, they show alot of yellow wounds and the zombie has brown wounds to cheeks and eyelids for some reason.


2010-04-13 11:21


"I don't get the generally unfinished."

They have this note in their creature def:
*** needs to be made out of ice

Right now they're just big humanoids with red eyes and no blood.


2010-07-07 20:20

reporter   ~0009766

While we're at it, maybe link this to 0000307? It could be distantly related to that because of materials.


2010-07-07 21:14


The ability to make them undead has nothing to do with materials, if that's what you mean.


2010-07-07 21:39

reporter   ~0009772

I meant the materials part, not the fact that they can be made undead. Still links to the whole undead bleeding in magma thing though.


2011-01-03 20:37


To add to the 'unfinished' part:

They have their description, pref strings and color modifiers set for red eyes, but I have one that came up with amber eyes (haven't found the tag, or lack of a tag, that is causing this):


2014-11-19 00:00

reporter   ~0031072

Can confirm still present in 0.40.16

Their raws still have the note that they should be made out of ice, but they are still fleshy so Toady hasn't changed his mind. Either their is some reason they haven't been changed or considering all the golems we have now he just forgot.

Spawned about 40 in Arena mode and all had red eyes.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-13 10:46 smjjames New Issue
2010-04-13 10:50 user6 Summary You can make Blizzard Men undead, while other material men (except plump helmet men) can't => Blizzard men lack CANNOT_UNDEAD and are generally unfinished
2010-04-13 10:56 smjjames Note Added: 0003290
2010-04-13 11:10 smjjames Note Edited: 0003290
2010-04-13 11:13 smjjames Tag Attached: undead
2010-04-13 11:21 user6 Note Added: 0003295
2010-04-28 11:46 user6 Tag Attached: PROBABLE QUICK FIX
2010-07-07 20:20 smjjames Note Added: 0009766
2010-07-07 21:14 user6 Note Added: 0009769
2010-07-07 21:14 user6 Relationship added related to 0000264
2010-07-07 21:39 smjjames Note Added: 0009772
2010-07-25 10:32 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0002827
2011-01-03 20:37 user11 Note Added: 0014782
2012-01-10 09:19 user6 Relationship added related to 0005012
2014-11-19 00:00 JayJayForce Note Added: 0031072
2014-11-19 06:42 user6 Assigned To => user6
2014-11-19 06:42 user6 Status new => confirmed