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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001187Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Petspublic2025-02-12 08:52
ReporterMalicus Assigned To 
PrioritylowSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.31.03 
Summary0001187: Dwarf constantly trying and failing to recover pet vermin bird
DescriptionIn the fort I was working on today, one of my dwarves adopted an oriole that the elves brought. That dwarf then started spamming that he kept canceling Recover Pet because the animal was inaccessible, and he was indeed trying to chase down his oriole. A short time later, a cat killed the oriole and things returned to normal. Sometime later, however, another dwarf adopted a blue jay. This time I was able to observe exactly what happens with the pet.

It seems that the dwarf catches the pet, puts it on their shoulder, and then the pet is loose again right away, unless the dwarf has a job to do immediately, in which case the pet seems to get loose after the dwarf finishes that job. Assigning the bird to a cage helps reduce the amount of spam, but the bird still gets loose when its owner takes it out of the cage to put on their shoulder (though other dwarves will probably catch the pet and put it back in the cage before the owner notices that it's missing and before it gets outside the fortress). Oddly, this frequently results in the owner standing next to the cage, putting their pet in the cage and taking it back out repeatedly when they have nothing they deem more important to do.
Additional InformationThis may or may not be a problem that was in 40d. I'm not sure.


has duplicate 0003903 resolvedLogical2u Adopted bird constantly escaping from owner 
related to 0003507 new Pet Cat Eats Pet Roach, Mayhem Does Not Ensue. 
related to 0008328 feedbackuser6 Dwarf adopts nonexistent pet; spams job cancellations 
related to 0005297 new Message spam - cancels Give Food: Animal inaccessible. 
related to 0004424 new Dwarves trying to feed inaccessible/dead pets - message spam 



2010-04-18 15:55

reporter   ~0004134

I uploaded this save to report another bug, but this bug is still ongoing, so here is the save in question:


2010-04-19 07:59

reporter   ~0004226

I had this in 40D once when I made the mistake of allowing a bat (vermin, from caravan) to be adopted, the thing was released and it escaped into the sky, and like all vermin do, dissapeared. Every time I tried to use stockpile to locate it, I was directed to an empty patch of sky. Had to forbid it from the stock menu to make the dwarf stop cancel spamming.


2010-04-19 14:29

reporter   ~0004267

The blue jay itself is still flying around, and the dwarf occasionally catches it (and promptly loses it again).


2010-04-23 10:57

reporter   ~0004744

I'm having this problem as well, except that the cats are actually eating the vermin pets.

I have a dwarf who likes hedgehogs. The elves brought one and I have that pet up for adoption, so the dwarf adopted it as his pet.

As soon as he pulled it out of its cage, cats swarmed over the dwarf and took the now named pet out of his inventory, then killed it.

There are now hedgehog remains on the floor.

So sad. :(


2010-07-18 09:45

reporter   ~0010566

Same happened to my hedgehog :<


2010-08-08 20:06

reporter   ~0011643

Still seeing this in 31.12, this time with a pet roach.

I've uploaded the save here:

The peasant in the lower right corner of the main level of the fortress, near all of the cages, is repeatedly trying to but failing to recover his pet roach.


2010-08-19 16:14

reporter   ~0011936

Im getting this too, one guy adopted 4 tame roaches all for himself and now hes running around like mad trying to catch them, at least hes ecstatic from all the pet happy thoughts.

I don't have any cat's, but it is awesome how they'll kill them if they get loose.

I might build a cage in his room and try forbidding them in it.


2010-10-20 12:01

reporter   ~0013428

It would be interesting to see if the roaches would swarm whoever attacked their owner.:)


2010-10-20 12:09

reporter   ~0013429

The only vermin spam I got was when I assigned them to a cage and they were already loose. I got spammed constantly job cancellations since the animal was unavailable. For what its worth, the workaround that I found is to designate a pit and have them thrown in it. This essentially canceled the other "cage animal" job, problem solved.


2011-01-31 18:22

reporter   ~0014959

.18, same here


2025-02-10 17:55

reporter   ~0042540

Issue persists in v51.04 and is reproducible.

To reproduce must have a tame vermin marked for adoption and a dwarf with a preference for them. Adoptable marked vermin can be seemingly adopted during the hauling of cages/traps containing them, or during the task of moving them to an assigned cage. Once adopted the dwarf will, as stated in the previous notes, constantly loop between retrieving their pet, dropping them immediately, and doing another task. Interestingly the pet vermin will sometimes be placed into free vermin traps if any are available, though this can be avoided by making sure all free traps are forbidden, causing them to simply roam (though this does not break the cycle). Assigning them to a cage does not break the cycle. The only thing I was able to find that breaks the loop is managing to forbid the vermin pet as an item, which can be done either by dumping the vermin out of a cage it is placed into (automatically forbidding it), or observing the owner and advancing the game one step at a time until the vermin is in the owners inventory and forbidding it from there.


2025-02-12 08:52

reporter   ~0042542

Perhaps dwarves are discarding their pets due to them not being part of their Uniform?

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-15 03:00 Malicus New Issue
2010-04-18 15:55 Malicus Note Added: 0004134
2010-04-19 07:59 smjjames Note Added: 0004226
2010-04-19 14:29 Malicus Note Added: 0004267
2010-04-19 14:43 Kennel Tag Attached: vermin
2010-04-23 10:57 hyndis Note Added: 0004744
2010-07-18 09:45 Orkel2 Note Added: 0010566
2010-08-08 20:06 hyndis Note Added: 0011643
2010-08-19 16:14 finesse Note Added: 0011936
2010-10-20 12:01 fredd Note Added: 0013428
2010-10-20 12:09 kwieland Note Added: 0013429
2010-11-16 10:51 user6 Relationship added related to 0003507
2011-01-23 08:21 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0003903
2011-01-31 18:22 Cespinarve Note Added: 0014959
2014-09-21 07:32 user6 Description Updated
2014-09-21 07:33 user6 Relationship added related to 0008328
2014-09-21 07:38 user6 Relationship added related to 0005297
2014-09-21 07:38 user6 Relationship added related to 0005774
2014-09-21 07:38 user6 Relationship deleted related to 0005774
2014-09-21 07:39 user6 Relationship added related to 0004424
2025-02-10 17:55 ExplosiveRunes Note Added: 0042540
2025-02-12 08:52 Quietust Note Added: 0042542