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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012914Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Tradepublic2024-07-02 08:18
Reporterxza9 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.47.05 
Summary0012914: Immigrant shopkeepers use their personal money when trading
DescriptionI entered a clothier's shop, which has a bag full of coins in the backroom as normal. If I talk to the people who belong to the main civilization of the site, they use money normally... But if I talk to a person who isn't part of the civilization, they will act as shopkeepers but ignore the normal procedure and use the currency of their own civilization (apparently whatever is in their own pouch, ie., personal money, not shop's money) . The coins in the cash register also become for sale, not treated as money but as pieces of metal.

Similarly, if you happen to have the other currency and buy something from the immigrant shopkeeper, the other shopkeepers will have the other currency for sale, not treated as money but as pieces of metal.

I did some digging with DFHack and this is some sort of representation of the relationships in question. Both cultural identities seem to be linked to the site government, but at least the person I traded with isn't member of the site government. The site government contains no information about cultures, and the populations vector is empty.

id 204, Shedoshnohus (Umbersubmerge)

Civilization: 741, Omon Zobsha (The Realms of Bronze)
Site government: 849, Thaguk Quamun (The League of Bewilderment)
Cultural identities:
id 80, civ 741, Omon Zobsha (The Realms of Bronze)
id 81, civ 779, Desodur (The Molten Empires)
(both seem to be linked to the same site government)

Person A:
Sana Imojonic (Sana Portalbasements)

Civilization: Omon Zobsha (The Realms of Bronze), id 741, Civilization, humans
Population: unnamed population, id 739, civ 741 (Omon Zobsha (The Realms of Bronze), Civilization, 1868 humans
Culture: id 80, site 204 (Shedoshnohus (Umbersubmerge), Town, 524 residents, at coordinates (206,168), civ 741, Omon Zobsha (The Realms of Bronze), Civilization, humans, group_log: 1; group 849, Thaguk Quamun (The League of Bewilderment), SiteGovernment, humans

Entity links:
Type MEMBER, strength 100: Omon Zobsha (The Realms of Bronze), id 741, Civilization, humans
Type MEMBER, strength 100: Thaguk Quamun (The League of Bewilderment), id 849, SiteGovernment, humans
Type MEMBER, strength 100: Adrehibor (The Past Guild), id 1380, Guild

Site links:
Site: 204, Shedoshnohus (Umbersubmerge)

Person B:
Sekel Gisepuja (Sekel Lockurns), unit 19190, human:

Civilization: Desodur (The Molten Empires), id 779, Civilization, humans
Population: unnamed population, id 758, civ 779 (Desodur (The Molten Empires), Civilization, 4244 humans
Culture: id 81, site 204 (Shedoshnohus (Umbersubmerge), Town, 524 residents, at coordinates (206,168), civ 779, Desodur (The Molten Empires), Civilization, humans, group_log: 1; group 849, Thaguk Quamun (The League of Bewilderment), SiteGovernment, humans

Entity links:
Type MEMBER, strength 100: Desodur (The Molten Empires), id 779, Civilization, humans
Type MEMBER, strength 100: Deshsulcika (The Lavender Order), id 983, Religion, humans

Site links:
Site: 204, Shedoshnohus (Umbersubmerge)
Steps To ReproduceI can upload a save if needed, but worldgen should produce these. Just search for a site with multiple cultures that link to different civilizations. The units might need to have pouches. Then just go shopping.
Additional InformationI didn't play the most recent version, but I'd imagine it hasn't been fixed yet.

Dunno what happens if they have no pouch/money of their own civilization. Might be that this is related to this bug:

Might also be related to this:

Also possibly related to similar thing with tavern keepers:

Expected behaviour would be that immigrant shopkeepers use the official currency of the site. Ie., when trading, accept and give what's in the shop's "cash register". They should not use their personal money, nor should they trade away the shop's "cash register" as scrap metal.

Also, it would make sense that, if the site has multiple prominent cultures, then multiple currencies could be in de facto use. Ie., some shops would have multiple currencies in register.

Also, then a money guild could specialize in currency exchange.
Tagscurrency, trade, traders, trading


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-07-02 07:50 xza9 New Issue
2024-07-02 07:50 xza9 Tag Attached: currency
2024-07-02 07:50 xza9 Tag Attached: trade
2024-07-02 07:50 xza9 Tag Attached: traders
2024-07-02 07:50 xza9 Tag Attached: trading