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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013109Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Announcementspublic2025-03-02 04:53
Reporterpelleeroevraren Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSArch LinuxOS Versionlinux-hardened 6
Product Version51.02 
Summary0013109: Urist cancels store item in stockpile: Item inaccessible — Involves Unexplored Location
DescriptionI'm getting Announcements for Job Failures where one Zoom will point to somewhere unexplored underground, and a second Zoom will seem to point where the dwarf was at when the Job Failure occurred. The unexplored spot varies slightly across instances of these announcements; it's been close to, or on, the left border at about Z-level zero from what I've seen.

These announcements have been occurring now and then for maybe a year and a half since a thief Bear carried some Mule Meat off the side of the map, and I've been wondering if that's to do with the strange Zoom location. There's been some fighting nearby that side of the map even more recently; bodies are still being hauled away, there are panicked animals, etc.
Steps To Reproduce1. Just wait — the bear may soon walk off the map with some Mule Meat, and you may see some varied Monster fighting uptop
2. About early Hematite, there should be some 'Item inaccessible' Job Failures — these may occur about once or twice a month, henceforth
Additional InformationI'll provide a save from right before the Bear does it's thieving; upon replaying that save, the Bear did it's thing, and by early Hematite one of these announcements came up pointing at '-3 1,207'.

Strikes me similar to: '8109'
Tags51.02, arch linux, ASCII, x-wayland



2025-02-25 04:58

reporter   ~0042569


2025-03-02 04:53

reporter   ~0042577

I haven't looked into your save, but the items in question are most likely corpses or body parts (that are somehow unforbidden) located in the unrevealed areas of the caverns. To stop your dwarves from trying to stockpile them, you can simply forbid using area designate on the hidden area.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-25 04:52 pelleeroevraren New Issue
2025-02-25 04:58 pelleeroevraren Note Added: 0042569
2025-02-25 04:58 pelleeroevraren Tag Attached: 51.02
2025-02-25 04:59 pelleeroevraren Tag Attached: ASCII
2025-02-25 04:59 pelleeroevraren Tag Attached: arch linux
2025-02-25 04:59 pelleeroevraren Tag Attached: x-wayland
2025-03-02 04:53 amade Note Added: 0042577