View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001776Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Civilization/World Infopublic2010-08-28 18:56
ReporterTruec Assigned Touser11 
PrioritynormalSeveritycrashReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
OSWindows XP 
Product Version0.31.03 
Summary0001776: Game crashes when attempting to load civilization list
DescriptionThis has only been a problem on my most recent fort in 31.03, now the fourth. When attempting to load the civilization list, the game immediately crashes. Interestingly, this wasn't a problem from the start; earlier on in this fort's life, the civilization screen offered no difficulties, nor did anything come up when a new civilization appeared after breaching the caverns. It was only sometime later, possibly after goblins started appearing, that I first started having this problem.
Steps To ReproduceNo success reproducing on any other fort.
Additional InformationI've made minor changes to creature_standard, entity_default, and reaction_smelter, but can't see any of them being involved in this strange occurrence.
TagsSave Included


child of 0001592 resolveduser11 Crash after Edited Raws 



2010-05-05 22:38


Did you make the changes in the save's copy of the raws? That was the cause of a crash in 0001592. What kind of changes did you make?


2010-05-05 22:52

reporter   ~0006249

I made my changes prior to generating the world. I increased the speed of dwarves, gave dwarves USE_ANY_PET_RACE, USE_EVIL_ANIMALS, and USE_GOOD_ANIMALS, and added smelter reactions for creating gold, platinum, and adamantine from lesser metals, and coke from flux stones.


2010-05-05 23:34


Ah, yeah, that shouldn't have caused any problems. For Toady to do anything with this one, you'll probably have to upload a save to


2010-05-05 23:50

reporter   ~0006252



2010-08-28 07:06


Reminder sent to: Truec

I'm not getting a crash when I load your provided save in 31.12. Have you been able to reproduce this in a current version?


2010-08-28 18:46

reporter   ~0012223

I haven't seen any sign of this in any version since .03, so I'm assuming it's been resolved somewhere along the way. Or it's just hiding.


2010-08-28 18:56


Thanks for the follow-up.

If you do find it to happen again, please reopen this report and post your findings.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-05-05 21:50 Truec New Issue
2010-05-05 22:38 user6 Note Added: 0006244
2010-05-05 22:38 user6 Relationship added child of 0001592
2010-05-05 22:52 Truec Note Added: 0006249
2010-05-05 23:34 user6 Note Added: 0006251
2010-05-05 23:50 Truec Note Added: 0006252
2010-08-28 06:19 user11 Tag Attached: Save Included
2010-08-28 07:06 user11 Note Added: 0012193
2010-08-28 07:06 user11 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-28 18:46 Truec Note Added: 0012223
2010-08-28 18:56 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-28 18:56 user11 Note Added: 0012225
2010-08-28 18:56 user11 Status new => resolved
2010-08-28 18:56 user11 Resolution open => no change required
2010-08-28 18:56 user11 Assigned To => user11
2019-06-12 18:00 Loci Category Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Civilization List => Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Civilization / World Info
2019-06-12 18:01 Loci Category Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Civilization / World Info => Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Civilization/World Info