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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002983Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2010-08-15 13:08
ReporterChthon Assigned Touser11 
PrioritylowSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformPCOSWindows 7OS VersionPro 64bit
Product Version0.31.12 
Summary0002983: Upon reloading my fortress all military assignements were scrambled.
DescriptionWhen I reloaded my save and started to mess with my military I realized that half my assigned military dwarves were not assigned, and half of those that weren't were replaced with the wrong dwarves in their spots.

To make matters worse dwarves that used to be assigned to each squad were not visible in order to be reassigned and the leaders of each of my squads were not assigned.
Additional InformationWork around: Disband all squads and starting over makes all dwarves able to be reassigned in the proper order.
Tags0.31.12, Military



2010-08-08 14:47


Last edited: 2010-08-08 14:47

Does 0001806 account for this problem?


2010-08-08 15:41

reporter   ~0011640

Last edited: 2010-08-08 15:44

No, I always micromanage my kill orders and cancel them when done. There also isn't a standing order on any squad to kill Werewolves (the only thing I've had to order to die so far)

This isn't an old save either. This was the same game I had been playing before at the same point. For some reason I logged in and my squads got scrambled.

What's happening here is much different than that other thread so I don't see how it could be a duplicate.

Issue 1: Wrong people are assigned to squad positions on reload (this one time)
Issue 2: People formerly assigned are not listed. It's like the game still considers them assigned. Only solution is to reform squads from scratch.

This was punctuated by my captain of the guard not having a squad position in his own squad.

It might help to know that I have had a high turnover rate in squad members here. Perhaps it's an issue from previously where someone dies in a squad he is not properly cleared from the squad position. Maybe something got cluttered and the game tried to straighten things on reload. If so it did not work right.


2010-08-09 21:00

reporter   ~0011684

Last edited: 2010-08-09 21:01

Well, could we please remove the duplicate tag? This is obviously (to me) not a duplicate of the same bug. The first involves kill orders, the second involves squad assignments.


2010-08-14 14:11


When you loaded this save, did your errorlog.txt file contain messages like:

"Repairing squad info for Unit #xxxx"?


2010-08-14 21:15

reporter   ~0011802

I had a similar muckup; the positions were filled but with the wrong uniforms. There was no militia commander, if that matters.


2010-08-15 00:57

reporter   ~0011803

Repairing squad info for Unit 0007849
Repairing squad info for Unit 0007846
Repairing squad info for Unit 0007852
Load Game: Invalid Squad ID Number

These were associated with the most recent load scramble I've had. This time there were 3 axe dwarves, one of which vanished from the squad menu (the Militia Commander)


2010-08-15 04:40


I know you stated you are using 31.12 and this isn't an old save, but just to verify, this fort wasn't generated in a previous version and loaded up in the new version?

After this one instance, does it happen again to the same file after the 'repairing' message are seen in the errorlog?

Are you able to upload a save?


2010-08-15 09:46

reporter   ~0011809

Did not happen again, but if it does I will zip up the save ASAP before I leave so I can share it with you.


2010-08-15 13:08


Ok, thanks for the update. So far, I've only seen those 'repairing' messages happen when an older fort is upgraded to a new version that fixed squad info.

I'll close this for now, but if you find the above isn't the case and you can provide a save, please upload it, reopen this report and post your new findings.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-08 14:33 Chthon New Issue
2010-08-08 14:34 Chthon Tag Attached: Military
2010-08-08 14:47 user6 Note Added: 0011639
2010-08-08 14:47 user6 Note Edited: 0011639
2010-08-08 14:47 user6 Relationship added duplicate of 0001806
2010-08-08 14:47 user6 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-08 15:41 Chthon Note Added: 0011640
2010-08-08 15:44 Chthon Note Edited: 0011640
2010-08-08 15:49 Chthon Tag Attached: 0.31.12
2010-08-09 21:00 Chthon Note Added: 0011684
2010-08-09 21:01 Chthon Note Edited: 0011684
2010-08-14 14:11 user11 Note Added: 0011793
2010-08-14 21:15 numerobis Note Added: 0011802
2010-08-15 00:57 Chthon Note Added: 0011803
2010-08-15 04:40 user11 Note Added: 0011805
2010-08-15 09:46 Chthon Note Added: 0011809
2010-08-15 13:08 user11 Note Added: 0011813
2010-08-15 13:08 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-15 13:08 user11 Relationship deleted 0001806
2010-08-15 13:08 user11 Status new => resolved
2010-08-15 13:08 user11 Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2010-08-15 13:08 user11 Assigned To => user11