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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004132Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Farming/Farmer's Workshoppublic2025-01-25 06:43
ReporterRhenaya Assigned Touser1294 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
PlatformNotebookOSWindowsOS VersionVista
Product Version0.31.19 
Summary0004132: spinners will use hair from refuse stockpile to make thread, but unable to use the thread for clothmaking
Descriptioni have slaughtered some wild yak cows, after butchering them the spinner used the hair from them to create "yak cow hair thread" i have now 4 of those items, but now i always get an error i dont have 15000 thread to make clothing.
Additional Informationrelated but not sure if its same error:

also i have 1 troll fur yarn that was used by a doctor previously but not stored in hospital again (because over zealous dwarfs refilled the containr immediatly so the thread was just dropped after operation and then got to stockpile again)

so possibly its now 14999 or something thread and cant be used either, maybe the yak cow hair is only 3000 each or something so cant have 15k too. (i have 4 troll fur clothes so it worked with the other troll hair)
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related to 0006477 new dwarves prefer to dye unusable thread 
has duplicate 0005744 resolveduser1294 Giant Crature wool 
has duplicate 0008291 resolveduser1294 Thread made from hair isnt stocked or made into cloth. 
has duplicate 0011482 resolvedlethosor Hair thread isn't stockpiled 
has duplicate 0013049 resolvedlethosor Yak hair thread can be made but does not appear in stockpile filter options and seems not to be storeable at all 
has duplicate 0013072 resolvedlethosor Hair thread isn't stockpiled 



2011-03-11 09:16


For the healthcare use portion, see 0003147.


2011-03-26 14:15

reporter   ~0016644

Animal hair can't be used in order to make cloth.
It can only be used in hospital.

It's not a bug.

Note :
Your 4 "troll fur clothes" are made of troll FUR (can be weaved), not troll HAIR.


2011-03-27 06:36

reporter   ~0016662

i still had 1 troll fur yarn that cant be made into cloth, because it was used in hospital and then stored in cloth stockpile instead of the hospital container again. so something seems awry anyway. also if you cant see which stuff can be made into cloth or not, all i see "i have some yarn but cant make it into cloth somehow". that is confusing :x


2011-04-02 16:52

reporter   ~0016993

i also just noticed this "special" hair yarn will go on a stockpile marked for metal only


2011-05-25 08:34

reporter   ~0017844

Have replicated this issue with a variety of animals, from camels to giant bats. This is is particularly irritating when yarn cloth is the one item your bookkeeper needs to complete his mysterious construction, and the next scheduled caravan is elves (who, being vegan, never carry yarn).


2014-10-15 05:25

reporter   ~0030633

Why can animal hair not be used to make cloth?

Possibly "Will not bring hair thread to cloth stockpile" thing should be a separate bug?


2018-04-01 16:05

reporter   ~0038113

if hair yarn is dyed then it can be used to make cloth.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-03-06 07:03 Rhenaya New Issue
2011-03-11 09:16 user11 Note Added: 0016113
2011-03-26 14:15 Rouilleur Note Added: 0016644
2011-03-27 06:36 Rhenaya Note Added: 0016662
2011-04-02 16:52 Rhenaya Note Added: 0016993
2011-05-25 08:34 Skivverus Note Added: 0017844
2012-04-01 08:27 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0005744
2014-09-13 12:47 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0008291
2014-09-13 12:48 user1294 Assigned To => user1294
2014-09-13 12:48 user1294 Status new => confirmed
2014-09-13 12:48 user1294 Relationship added related to 0006477
2014-10-15 05:25 ptb_ptb Note Added: 0030633
2018-04-01 16:05 MrC Note Added: 0038113
2024-12-14 00:45 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0011482
2024-12-14 00:45 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0013049
2025-01-25 06:43 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0013072