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0005075Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Conversationpublic2017-10-28 07:57
ReporterTeddy Assigned Tolethosor  
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
PlatformFujitsu Siemens Lifebook T4220OSWindows Vista 
Product Version0.34.01 
Summary0005075: Critter men say their name is TRANS_NAME]
DescriptionWhen greeting an critter man (such as a giant cricket man) they respond as normal for all friendly conversations (can't remember the exact script), but instead of their name, it writes LANG_TRANS] (I can't remember exactly how the words LANGUAGE and TRANSLATION were abbreviated, but somewhere along those lines). It looks like it could be caused by a broken tag.

I don't know if this is true for all critter men, or just the newly added sponsorship ones, which are the only ones I've encountered so far.
Steps To ReproduceGreet a [name of critter] man in adventure mode through the k button.
TagsProbable Quick Fix


has duplicate 0006071 resolveduser1294 Wolverine People are all named TRANS_NAME] 
has duplicate 0006602 resolveduser1294 All sentient animals when greeted have TRANS_NAME] 
has duplicate 0007007 resolveduser6 Grasshoper men's name doesn't exist 
has duplicate 0007658 resolveduser11 Animal men name typo 
has duplicate 0008212 resolveduser1294 text bug 
has duplicate 0008447 resolveduser6 odd names for uncivilized people 
has duplicate 0009174 resolveduser6 NPC with bugged name 
has duplicate 0010033 resolvedLoci Animal men have no names and will say filler names 
related to 0007387 confirmeduser6 NPC present himself as [SPEAKER:TRANS_NAME] 



2012-02-14 14:46


Reminder sent to: Teddy

Please upload a save demonstrating this problem to and post the link here.


2012-02-14 15:31

reporter   ~0019562

Will do as soon as I manage to replicate it with a new adventurer. The adventurere whom I encountered the bug with died...


2012-02-20 05:53

reporter   ~0020247

Last edited: 2012-02-20 11:30

I've managed to replicate the bug in the latest version with a magpie man, but I lack the ability to upload anything at the moment.

Also, I remembered incorrectly: they say their name is TRANS_NAME], not LANG_TRANS].


2012-02-27 06:51

reporter   ~0020796


I've already talked to one of the magpie men to the south, but the other one should display the same behaviour. There should also be some other critter men (I can't remember which critter) to the south east.


2012-07-09 11:16

reporter   ~0023198

Last edited: 2012-07-09 11:17

I have experienced this problem too, but it was with a modded race. In both cases, the entity raws lack a TRANSLATION token. Adding [TRANSLATION:DWARF] to my race fixed the problem.

I think I recall the wiki at some point saying that if an entity did not have an assigned translation, then the game would choose one at random. Is this only for older versions?


2014-07-08 12:46

reporter   ~0025127

This bug still happens in 40.01. I found a sparrow_man in a play and a cave fish woman blowgunner in other and both present themselves as TRANS_NAME]. It is possible to change the title of the bug, so Toady won't get confused? It is TRANS_NAME], not LANG_TRANS].


2014-07-08 14:05

reporter   ~0025144

Can confirm. I've found sparrow and sponge men exhibiting this behavior.


2014-07-09 15:46

reporter   ~0025404

Experiencing this bug also, applies to Kea Men as well.


2014-07-11 13:23

reporter   ~0025841

Confirming for gorlaks.


2014-07-11 16:40

reporter   ~0025878

Confirming for gorlaks as well.


2014-07-15 17:50

manager   ~0026559

Can confirm. Have found with harpies.


2014-07-24 14:46

manager   ~0027451

Applies to owl men as well, according to Afro.


2014-07-30 18:59

reporter   ~0027993

Demons also exhibit this behavior.

kicking jay

2014-10-19 21:10

reporter   ~0030687

Is this related to the dialogue among animalfolk where they converse with self-referential language only?

"I found myself dead."
"<Just now, a few weeks ago, in a time before time> I attacked myself.>"
"<Adventurer Name> just attacked me."

And the like?


2014-10-20 06:12

reporter   ~0030689

Last edited: 2014-10-20 06:22

@kicking jay: No, those are 0006889, 0006862, and 0007614 (in no particular order) which are different bugs within the conversation system.


2017-06-28 00:02

reporter   ~0036639

Side note, it appears that if you view the critter, then give them a nickname, they'll start using that once you get them to introduce themselves.

Which is good if you feel like recruiting them, except for the problem where they act very weird when recruiting. Generally seem to refuse to fight, and will fuck off like wild animals if you unrecruit them.


2017-10-28 07:57

reporter   ~0036808

Present within version 43.05

Confirming this with evidence (& method) that demons & wilderness animalmen from savage biomes - namely wild coyote animalmen use TRANS_NAME].

The method i used was to filter [REGULAR_CONVERSATION] to fortress mode announcements and hear discussions happening on my embark on all levels including ones I had not discovered.

Weasel Devil: Greetings. My name is TRANS_NAME].
Weasel Devil: Hello, weasel devil. I am TRANS_NAME].
Weasel Devil: Greetings. My name is TRANS_NAME].
Weasel Devil: These people carrying on about romance should be more practical.
Weasel Devil: Hello, weasel devil. I am TRANS_NAME].

I have this demon transcript in the fourth spoiler of this post on the forums but the method is easy to follow anyway to determine for yourselves. ( )

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-02-14 13:29 Teddy New Issue
2012-02-14 14:46 user6 Note Added: 0019556
2012-02-14 15:31 Teddy Note Added: 0019562
2012-02-20 05:53 Teddy Note Added: 0020247
2012-02-20 11:30 Teddy Note Edited: 0020247
2012-02-27 06:51 Teddy Note Added: 0020796
2012-07-05 09:43 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0006071
2012-07-09 11:16 jimj316 Note Added: 0023198
2012-07-09 11:17 jimj316 Note Edited: 0023198
2014-07-08 05:02 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0006602
2014-07-08 12:46 thvaz Note Added: 0025127
2014-07-08 12:52 user6 Tag Attached: Probable Quick Fix
2014-07-08 14:05 ArmokGoB Note Added: 0025144
2014-07-08 14:24 lethosor Summary Critter men say their name is LANG_TRANS] => Critter men say their name is TRANS_NAME]
2014-07-09 15:46 Gulf Note Added: 0025404
2014-07-10 19:52 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007007
2014-07-11 13:23 Someone-else Note Added: 0025841
2014-07-11 16:40 nekoxmachina Note Added: 0025878
2014-07-15 17:50 Talvieno Note Added: 0026559
2014-07-16 12:30 user6 Relationship added related to 0007387
2014-07-24 14:46 lethosor Note Added: 0027451
2014-07-24 14:46 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor
2014-07-24 14:46 lethosor Status new => acknowledged
2014-07-27 08:42 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0007658
2014-07-30 18:59 ArmokGoB Note Added: 0027993
2014-08-18 07:10 user6 Status acknowledged => confirmed
2014-09-01 02:28 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0008212
2014-10-19 21:10 kicking jay Note Added: 0030687
2014-10-20 06:12 smjjames Note Added: 0030689
2014-10-20 06:17 smjjames Note Edited: 0030689
2014-10-20 06:22 smjjames Note Edited: 0030689
2014-10-27 11:46 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0008447
2015-12-02 15:01 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0009174
2016-10-06 12:03 Loci Relationship added has duplicate 0010033
2017-06-28 00:02 chaosvolt Note Added: 0036639
2017-10-28 07:57 FantasticDorf Note Added: 0036808