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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005411Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2014-12-19 06:53
ReporterAndrakon Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformWindowsOSWindows vistaOS VersionVista
Product Version0.34.02 
Summary0005411: Necromancers fight among themselves in fortress mode
DescriptionIn dwarf fortress mode I embarked in a location with three towers nearby. The first time undead came by it was in the form of a siege with three necromancers. The three human necromancers spawned in the same general location as each other, one was a ranger. The ranger started firing upon the other two necromancers nearly killing them, and those two left the map before they died. The ranger stayed. I don't know if this is intended or not but I would expect them to work together if they came together.
Steps To ReproduceEmbark in a location with multiple towers nearby, wait for an undead attack.
Additional Informationgraphics pack Phoebus 34.02v03



2012-02-23 03:14

reporter   ~0020527

By the way, I opened up the unit list and took a count, 250 UNDEAD! This is the best thing that has ever happened to me in DF! So happy right now!

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-02-23 02:46 Andrakon New Issue
2012-02-23 03:14 Andrakon Note Added: 0020527
2014-12-19 06:53 user6 Tag Attached: Intentional/Expected?