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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006750Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Itemspublic2015-01-06 10:54
ReporterButton Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OSWindowsOS Version7 
Product Version0.40.01 
Fixed in Version0.40.24 
Summary0006750: Muck root and bloated tuber seeds are displayed without a name (e.g. " [9]")
DescriptionI embarked with 3 empty wild boar leather bags. 2 of them are now laying around in my still, empty - presumably after having seeds taken out of them - but claiming that they still have Contents.

Pressing Enter to "view selected" gives the details that this Nothing has a basic value of 1 dwarfbuck, and a weight less than 1 Urist. Its description reads "This is a ."

My dwarves are piling up individual seeds in the stockpile now, so presumably the game thinks those wild boar leather bags are unavailable for more seeds.
Steps To ReproduceDump seeds from a bag? Might need to be a bag brought from embark.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0006841 resolvedlethosor Brewing items without seeds causes items with no name to appear in the still 
has duplicate 0007296 resolveduser6 A kitchen item with no name 
has duplicate 0007304 resolveduser6 Cook makes meal using blank ingredients 
has duplicate 0008106 resolveduser6 Mystery seeds with no name. 
has duplicate 0008688 resolvedlethosor Bugged items appear empty or undefined, result in blank/black tiles. 



2014-07-08 19:01


What jobs was your still performing? Which plants were in use?


2014-07-08 19:16

reporter   ~0025214

Brew plants. I don't remember which plants exactly were in use, but some combination of prickle berry, turnips, and/or longland grass.


2014-07-08 19:25


So you were using "brew drink from plant" and not "brew drink from fruit"?


2014-07-08 19:42

reporter   ~0025223

Definitely brew from plant. I didn't have any fruits yet at that time.


2014-07-09 09:25


Thanks for the follow-ups...I'm going to leave this as feedback for now in case anyone can zero-in on the specific seed or reaction problem.


2014-07-09 10:08

reporter   ~0025346

I submitted a bug report under 6841 that is likely the cause of this issue. Brewing muck root (or likely anything that does not have a seed entry in the raws causes items without a description to appear)


2014-07-09 17:26

reporter   ~0025421

Ooh, I do think I brewed a bloated tuber earlier! So those might have been bloated tuber "seeds"?


2014-08-13 11:44

reporter   ~0028963

I haven't seen this since 0.40.1; it may be fixed already.


2014-10-05 22:18

reporter   ~0030547

Still happening in my current game wich was migrated from 0.40.12 to 0.40.13 during previous reclaim. Seeds were in still by still till reclaim. Save is centered on there current location.
Here is a save.


2014-12-29 20:35

reporter   ~0031558

hide root and bloated tuber. They're both missing [USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:SEED:SEED_TEMPLATE].


2015-01-06 08:13

reporter   ~0031734

For anyone who's seriously bothered by this bug, there's a workaround.

Create a material in each of the offending plants (I called mine FAKESEED) with [SPEC_HEAT:1] and [HEATDAM_POINT:1]. Then replace [MATERIAL_REACTION_PRODUCT:SEED_MAT:LOCAL_PLANT_MAT:SEED] with [MATERIAL_REACTION_PRODUCT:SEED_MAT:LOCAL_PLANT_MAT:FAKESEED] in the STRUCTURAL definition. The fake seed will disintegrate immediately after being produced.

Toady One

2015-01-06 10:54

administrator   ~0031739

This had to be fixed in the raws, so the fix will only apply to 0.40.24+. I also added some new error logs to highlight these sorts of problems.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-08 18:59 Button New Issue
2014-07-08 19:01 user11 Note Added: 0025208
2014-07-08 19:01 user11 Assigned To => user11
2014-07-08 19:01 user11 Status new => feedback
2014-07-08 19:16 Button Note Added: 0025214
2014-07-08 19:16 Button Status feedback => assigned
2014-07-08 19:25 user11 Note Added: 0025218
2014-07-08 19:25 user11 Status assigned => feedback
2014-07-08 19:42 Button Note Added: 0025223
2014-07-08 19:42 Button Status feedback => assigned
2014-07-09 09:25 user11 Note Added: 0025333
2014-07-09 09:25 user11 Status assigned => feedback
2014-07-09 10:08 bagofholding Note Added: 0025346
2014-07-09 10:21 user6 Relationship added related to 0006841
2014-07-09 17:26 Button Note Added: 0025421
2014-07-09 17:26 Button Status feedback => assigned
2014-08-12 11:21 user11 Status assigned => acknowledged
2014-08-12 11:21 user11 Relationship replaced child of 0006841
2014-08-13 11:44 Button Note Added: 0028963
2014-10-05 22:18 Sivarty Note Added: 0030547
2014-12-29 20:34 lethosor Summary Empty Bags full of Nothing => Muck root and bloated tuber seeds are displayed without a name (e.g. " [9]")
2014-12-29 20:35 lethosor Status acknowledged => confirmed
2014-12-29 20:35 BenLubar Note Added: 0031558
2014-12-29 20:36 lethosor Relationship replaced has duplicate 0006841
2014-12-29 20:36 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0007296
2014-12-29 20:37 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0007304
2014-12-29 20:37 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0008106
2015-01-06 08:13 Button Note Added: 0031734
2015-01-06 10:54 Toady One Note Added: 0031739
2015-01-06 10:54 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2015-01-06 10:54 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2015-01-06 10:54 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2015-01-06 10:54 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One
2015-01-20 18:37 lethosor Relationship added has duplicate 0008688