View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0006842 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Cancellation and Suspension | public | 2014-07-09 10:02 | 2014-08-02 19:50 |
Reporter | Squidman | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | sometimes |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 0.40.01 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.40.06 | ||||
Summary | 0006842: Dwarves freeze up (get stuck) if path to destination is blocked (by a wall/bridge) | ||||
Description | I have been able to reproduce this issue three times. If a wall is built in a tile a Dwarf is about to walk through, the Dwarf will freeze up (Not in terms of temperature, but in terms of activity), even if the wall can easily be gone around. The Dwarf is still listed as doing whatever job they were heading to do. They remain there until they pass out, changing their activity to "Sleep". When the Dwarf wakes up, they get back to work. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1)Be in Dwarf Fortress mode. 2)Require Dwarves to follow a certain path to do a certain job. 3)Place a wall in the Dwarf's path. 4)Make sure the wall can be easily walked past. Kind of difficult to reproduce, I know. | ||||
Additional Information | -If the job is a designation-based job, un-designating the object will free the Dwarf up. -Assigning the Dwarf to a burrow does not fix the issue. -Fellow Dwarves will bring the frozen Dwarf food/water if they become hungry/thirsty. Saves: (0.40.03) (0.40.03) (0.40.04) | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
has duplicate | 0007363 | resolved | Dwarwes stuck when you build walls on their path. | |
has duplicate | 0007484 | resolved | Character got stuck wanting to gather plants. | |
has duplicate | 0007040 | resolved | Dwarf Stuck In Place | |
has duplicate | 0007486 | resolved | Fisherdwarf stuck | |
has duplicate | 0007566 | resolved | Miner stuck with dig in the corner probably a pathfinding problem |
-Removing the wall also does not remedy this problem. |
Please upload a save that demonstrates the problem to and post the link here. |
Here you are: |
I've had this happen with chopping wood. Wasn't sure what was causing the issue. 40.03. |
Another instance: |
AseaHeru had this issue with a fisher from 40.03 0007486: |
I don't think it's so much the walls as having their path removed. |
Was able to reproduce with bridges as well - adjusting title accordingly. |
0.40.04, Linux. Save at Upon reaching her first birthday, Limul Searchedshoots discovered her nakedness and assigned herself a "Pickup equipment" job -- but never moved from the spot where her mother was carrying her at the moment she stopped being a baby. Limul is standing in the barracks (hotkey F4, or you can use the unit screen). The job is visible on the job screen, and you can see that she's got her eye (metaphorically) on a (giant cave spider silk left glove). There are three such gloves -- one owned and worn by a miner, and two sitting around. By forbidding one, SIGKILLing the process, restoring from the save, and forbidding the other, I can see that the one she wants is on the up/down stairwell at Z=122 (-27 from the surface), and not the one in the smelter at Z=121 (-28 from the surface). Neither of these gloves shows her (or anyone) as the owner. Forbidding the glove that she wants causes the glove to be removed from the job screen, but does not cause her to cancel the job, or to seek a different item. The job itself cannot be removed (the r is greyed out). Saving and loading does nothing. I haven't tried atom-smashing the glove yet, but if forbidding it doesn't work, I'm dubious that atom-smashing it would be wise. To the best of my knowledge, there was never any disruption of her path from the barracks to the glove. I haven't been doing any construction work or digging anywhere near that path. |
Interestingly, wagons are unaffected by this bug entirely, and are completely capable of repathing. That might help solve it. Edit: Also interestingly, locking a door doesn't cause the issue. |
In the same fortress linked in my previous note (now running under 0.40.05), Limul Searchedshoot eventually broke out of her catatonic state, but I don't know precisely how. I suspect she eventually became thirsty enough to cancel the stuck job, got a drink, and then started over. She is wearing clothing now. Since then, many other babies have reached their first birthday, and *every single one* has had this same problem. As soon as they become children, they assign themselves a "Pickup Equipment" job that never gets done. They stand in place until something (thirst?) breaks them out of that job. After that, they are fine. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2014-07-09 10:02 | Squidman | New Issue | |
2014-07-09 10:05 | Squidman | Note Added: 0025345 | |
2014-07-09 10:20 |
Note Added: 0025347 | |
2014-07-09 10:20 |
Assigned To | => user6 |
2014-07-09 10:20 |
Status | new => feedback |
2014-07-10 10:35 | Squidman | Note Added: 0025556 | |
2014-07-10 10:35 | Squidman | Status | feedback => assigned |
2014-07-16 14:08 |
Summary | Dwarves freeze up if a wall is placed in their path => Dwarves freeze up if a wall is constructed in their path |
2014-07-16 14:08 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007363 |
2014-07-16 14:08 |
Summary | Dwarves freeze up if a wall is constructed in their path => Dwarves freeze up (get stuck) if a wall is constructed in their path |
2014-07-19 09:22 |
Relationship added | related to 0007484 |
2014-07-19 11:48 | Talvieno | Note Added: 0026959 | |
2014-07-19 11:49 | Talvieno | Note Edited: 0026959 | |
2014-07-19 13:46 |
Relationship replaced | has duplicate 0007484 |
2014-07-20 02:04 | fourpotatoes | Note Added: 0026996 | |
2014-07-22 10:45 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007040 |
2014-07-22 12:13 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007486 |
2014-07-22 12:14 |
Note Added: 0027225 | |
2014-07-22 12:16 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0007566 |
2014-07-22 12:42 | Talvieno | Note Added: 0027235 | |
2014-07-24 19:08 | lethosor | Note Added: 0027468 | |
2014-07-24 19:08 | lethosor | Assigned To | user6 => lethosor |
2014-07-24 19:08 | lethosor | Status | assigned => acknowledged |
2014-07-24 19:09 | lethosor | Summary | Dwarves freeze up (get stuck) if a wall is constructed in their path => Dwarves freeze up (get stuck) if path to destination is blocked (by a wall/bridge) |
2014-07-24 19:09 | greycat | Note Added: 0027469 | |
2014-07-24 19:30 | lethosor | Additional Information Updated | |
2014-07-24 19:51 | Talvieno | Note Added: 0027473 | |
2014-07-25 05:51 | Talvieno | Note Edited: 0027473 | |
2014-07-28 16:33 | lethosor | Status | acknowledged => confirmed |
2014-07-31 16:46 | greycat | Note Added: 0028060 | |
2014-08-02 13:39 | Toady One | Status | confirmed => resolved |
2014-08-02 13:39 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2014-08-02 13:39 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-08-02 13:39 | Toady One | Assigned To | lethosor => Toady One |