View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006852Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Sleepingpublic2014-08-09 13:20
ReporterKumquat Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformWindowsOS Version7 
Product Version0.40.01 
Fixed in Version0.40.07 
Summary0006852: Broker sleepcrawled/sleepwalked to bed after trading session
DescriptionAfter a trading session my broker was so tired she fell asleep on the spot. She still managed to crawl into her bed while sleeping (flashing Z, prone).

She has a happy thought about sleeping in her own bed.
Additional Informationunfortunately I did not get a save on the situation. I'll see if this happens again.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0002085 new Mother sleeps through childbirth 
parent of 0007118 resolvedToady One Injured resting dwarf walking around with a blinking "Z" 
has duplicate 0007061 resolveduser6 Asleep dwarf is still moving - sleepwalking? 
has duplicate 0007481 resolveduser11 Sleepwalker... 
has duplicate 0007534 resolveduser1294 Sleep 'walking' dwarf 
related to 0006577 new Stonefall traps killing trader/broker and diplomat. 



2014-07-11 09:34


Align posted a save at 0007061:


2014-07-12 06:05

reporter   ~0025965

Other sleepwalker:


2014-07-14 09:45

reporter   ~0026326

This happened again, in .02:

Doren ònulthoth, manager cancels Sleep: Caged.


2014-07-20 13:43

reporter   ~0027052

Just saw this in 40.04. Queen/broker sleepwalks to bed after finishing up a trading session.


2014-07-22 18:04

reporter   ~0027260

I've been having this with injured dwarves. My militia commander was injured in an ambush, passed out, but still managed to crawl back to the hospital on his own without waking.


2014-07-24 16:16

viewer   ~0027457

In 0.40.04, My broker apparently fell asleep waiting to trade in the depot. He was able to sleep-trade with the merchants (though he was unable to gauge their mood while unconscious), then proceeded to sleepwalk away afterward.


2014-07-28 15:21

manager   ~0027818

40.05 - A forgotten beast came and attacked, a giant humanoid made of salt with a vapor syndrome that eventually knocked out everyone who had come close with severe pain in every part of their bodies at once. Not even the bones were spared.

But the unconscious dwarves slowly dragged themselves to the hospital anyway, even with the flashing Z.


2014-07-30 13:48

reporter   ~0027982

Another save for 0.40.05:

Affected is Datan Ilashkikrost who wasn't injured and never traded in her life.


2014-07-31 14:27

reporter   ~0028056

It happened to me too. My broker sleepwalked into giant axe blades. Didn't even wake her, and she proceeded to sleepwalk, with only one leg, into a cage trap.
I now have a mutilated dwarf corpse in a cage.


2014-07-31 14:36

manager   ~0028057

ohhhhh, I'd love to do that to so many of my brokers. bug, or feature? lol


2014-08-02 00:23

reporter   ~0028129

This can also happen if a dwarf is knocked out by a cave-in. They will sometimes sleep-crawl back.


2014-08-07 11:29

reporter   ~0028535

Almost definitely a bug with the new movement system - presumably, the logic for creating Move actions (and also the code for processing them) is neglecting to confirm that the dwarf is not unconscious, paralyzed, or webbed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-09 11:26 Kumquat New Issue
2014-07-11 09:33 user6 Summary Broker sleepcrawled to bed after trading session => Broker sleepcrawled/sleepwalked to bed after trading session
2014-07-11 09:33 user6 Description Updated
2014-07-11 09:33 user6 Additional Information Updated
2014-07-11 09:34 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0007061
2014-07-11 09:34 user6 Note Added: 0025773
2014-07-11 09:34 user6 Relationship added related to 0002085
2014-07-12 06:05 Haikon Note Added: 0025965
2014-07-12 08:33 user6 Relationship added related to 0007118
2014-07-14 09:45 Kumquat Note Added: 0026326
2014-07-19 09:25 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0007481
2014-07-20 13:43 musicmastermsh Note Added: 0027052
2014-07-21 03:39 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0007534
2014-07-22 18:04 Drazinononda Note Added: 0027260
2014-07-24 16:16 Loci Note Added: 0027457
2014-07-28 15:21 Talvieno Note Added: 0027818
2014-07-30 13:48 Trif Note Added: 0027982
2014-07-31 14:27 martinuzz Note Added: 0028056
2014-07-31 14:36 Talvieno Note Added: 0028057
2014-08-02 00:23 Kirkegaard Note Added: 0028129
2014-08-03 10:21 user11 Relationship replaced parent of 0007118
2014-08-03 10:21 user11 Assigned To => user11
2014-08-03 10:21 user11 Status new => confirmed
2014-08-04 18:47 lethosor Relationship added related to 0006577
2014-08-07 11:29 Quietust Note Added: 0028535
2014-08-07 14:26 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2014-08-07 14:26 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-08-07 14:26 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-08-07 14:26 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One