View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000078 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit Profiles | public | 2010-04-01 19:29 | 2012-03-29 04:42 |
Reporter | Dennislp3 | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | low | Severity | tweak | Reproducibility | random |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
OS | Vista | OS Version | Ultimate 64-Bit | ||
Fixed in Version | 0.34.07 | ||||
Summary | 0000078: Kills list contains multiple redundant/identical-looking entries for different genders/castes (without gender symbol) | ||||
Description | In my adventure mode kill list it reads Nine Kills (kill) <== irrelevant kills in parenthesis One sasquatch in The Forest of Right (kill) (kill) One sasquatch in The Forest of Right Two wolves in The Hills of Deer Two wolves in The Hills of Deer Shouldn't the sasquatchs and the wolves be grouped together? The sasquatchs were in two separate fights but the wolves attacked me in a pack of four. | ||||
Tags | adventure mode, kills, list, text | ||||
As I have played more I now have well over a few hundred kills. The grouping is still an issue. I have some instances of kills grouped by 10 at the max but kills by location are still largely split up. |
The doubling is because it's listing the kills by caste, not creature, i.e. you killed two males wolves and two female wolves. |
I have the same issue in my fort when I view kills of my soldiers who I like sending to clear wildlife. Seems to be grouping by caste, yeah. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-04-01 19:29 | Dennislp3 | New Issue | |
2010-04-01 19:30 | Dennislp3 | Tag Attached: adventure mode | |
2010-04-01 19:30 | Dennislp3 | Tag Attached: text | |
2010-04-02 13:04 | Dennislp3 | Note Added: 0000275 | |
2010-04-03 08:55 |
Note Added: 0000539 | |
2010-04-20 02:18 | Rafal99 | Note Added: 0004321 | |
2010-04-21 12:20 |
Relationship added | related to 0000135 |
2010-04-29 13:29 |
Category | General => Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit Profiles |
2011-03-14 20:46 |
Summary | Kill list not grouping kills by location => Kills list contains multiple redundant/identical-looking entries for different genders/castes (without gender symbol) |
2011-03-14 20:46 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0004228 |
2011-03-14 21:16 | AO | Tag Attached: kills | |
2011-03-14 21:16 | AO | Tag Attached: list | |
2012-03-29 04:42 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2012-03-29 04:42 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2012-03-29 04:42 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2012-03-29 04:42 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |