Reporter | Kanddak | Assigned To | user6 | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | sometimes |
Status | resolved | Resolution | duplicate | |
Platform | Mac | OS | MacOS | OS Version | 10.7.5 |
Product Version | 0.40.05 | |
Summary | 0007909: Burrow-assigned dwarves stuck with barrels after drinking last drink |
Description | Sometimes when a dwarf in a burrow drinks the last unit of a drink from a barrel, that dwarf gets a job to store the now-empty barrel somewhere outside of the burrow and starts producing "cancels store item in stockpile: dropoff inaccessible" message spam. It's necessary to forbid the barrel until the dwarf drops it, then unforbid the barrel and the dwarf won't pick it up again. |
Steps To Reproduce | Assign dwarves into a burrow with a stocked drink stockpile and wait. |
Additional Information | I've been experiencing this bug for as long as burrows have been in the game, but I only recently searched for a report on it and realized I couldn't find one. I was going to wait to open an issue until I had a save to post, but I see Toady's been getting into burrow-related and message-spam bugs lately and wanted to make sure he knows about this one. |
Tags | burrows, drinking, job cancellation |