View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0008374 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Healthcare | public | 2014-09-29 05:38 | 2020-02-15 17:01 |
Reporter | MichaelB | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | x86 | OS | windows 7 | ||
Product Version | 0.40.13 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.47.03 | ||||
Summary | 0008374: Dwarves injured in hospital zone are not recovered and will not rest | ||||
Description | If a dwarf sustains an injury while in a hospital zone or is released from a cage in a hospital zone they will not be recovered or treated. | ||||
Additional Information | This basic fort allows you to experiment with injuring dwarves in a hospital zone to see that they are not recovered to beds. The hospital zone (F2) has a cage built in it with a wounded dwarf. If you pull the lever to the left of the hospital it will release the dwarf who will be ignored on the ground. If you remove the tile he is lying on from the hospital zone he will be recovered and treated. There is also a drawbridge (F1) with some dwarves stationed on it directly above the hospital. Pull the lever to the left of the drawbridge to (probably) drop a dwarf to be injured in the hospital. The behaviour is the same i.e. they are ignored until the tile is removed from the hospital | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Forgot to mention, this was reproduced in vanilla DF. Also, you need to remove the station order for the squad before they are recovered too, don't know if this is a bug however. |
I did a little more testing and replicated the setup in 40.01 It looks like injured dwarves are recovered to a hospital bed correctly in this version. This suggests that this bug has come about during the recent healthcare changes. A lot of similar reports have been marked fixed but I suppose this could possibly be marked related to the catch all healthcare report 0000094 |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2014-09-29 05:38 | MichaelB | New Issue | |
2014-09-29 05:39 | MichaelB | Note Added: 0030444 | |
2014-09-29 05:53 | MichaelB | Note Edited: 0030444 | |
2014-10-18 06:45 | MichaelB | Note Added: 0030656 | |
2014-10-18 06:56 | MichaelB | Note Edited: 0030656 | |
2017-05-03 09:03 | Loci | Relationship added | child of 0000094 |
2020-02-15 17:01 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2020-02-15 17:01 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2020-02-15 17:01 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2020-02-15 17:01 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |