View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009852Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Inventorypublic2016-07-10 23:53
ReporterMax_TM Assigned ToLoci  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Platform64 bitOSlinuxOS VersionArch
Product Version0.43.04 
Summary0009852: 0003838 does not seem to be fixed (Armor generation on limbs)
DescriptionAccording to the notes here: this was fixed, I made a new world and have now encountered numerous types of soldier units, hearthpeople where I started, bandits mugging people, bandits in camps, criminals under towns, soldiers idling in taverns, army units outside of dark fortresses, not a one wearing metal armor anywhere besides head/body.

Example, squad of soldiers outside a dark pit, ran into their asterisk and got ambushed, none have armor besides head/body:
Steps To ReproduceEncounter a soldier who should have armor, check their inventory, see they don't.
TagsNo tags attached.



2016-06-20 16:13

reporter   ~0035435

Last edited: 2016-06-20 16:15

As mentioned, it seems to occur in some cases. Let me get a screenshot in a moment, when I test this next quick-genned world.

EDIT: Plus, rovers outside goblin sites might be bandits, which Toady stated can have inferior armor kit. Don't know yet about proper goblin soldiers though.


2016-06-20 16:43

reporter   ~0035436

Here we go.

These were the first two soldiers encountered in the mead hall I explored. This at least implies that regular soldiers in human entities will be armored properly.

Please excuse the awful text appearance caused by my testing out legacy instead of SDL.


2016-06-20 17:34

reporter   ~0035437

Yeah, I've just been unlucky apparently, been checking soldiers in towns, massive towns even, so far no luck, but at least it's just a matter of rarity rather than a full bug.


2016-06-20 17:40

reporter   ~0035438

Very odd. I was going to say, it isn't just a matter of bandits and/or soldiers from dark forts? o.O


2016-06-20 17:56

reporter   ~0035439

Second large town I've checked, 300 year old world, I find higher quality gear laying around in mead halls and keeps, lots of soldiers, checked lots, generally stuff like this one: and yeah, not bandits or criminals or whatnot, that dorf is in a tavern atm hanging out.


2016-06-21 22:16

reporter   ~0035461

Oh snap, I went and did a complete line by line check and noticed that way back when I had been experimenting with what different values for [ARMOR_LEVEL:x] did I had changed the ones in gauntlets and such, setting them back to the default values fixed it, found some hearthpeople with armor.


2016-06-22 00:21

reporter   ~0035462



2016-06-22 10:06

reporter   ~0035470

Didn't even occur to me that setting a higher armor level value would prevent it, pieces which have 2 in vanilla I had at 3 and that stopped them.


2016-06-22 10:48

reporter   ~0035471

Odd. I'm guessing the game assumes that lower-level armor is more readily available.

Or maybe it's price? I forget, does armor level affect the price of an armor item? It could be that NPCs are more likely to gear up with cheaper armor. Assuming it isn't based on "this civ/gang/group/whatever can afford more expensive gear" instead of "this guy/chick/both/neither can afford more expensive gear" or something. :V


2016-06-22 17:37

reporter   ~0035473

I was finding hearthpeople in massive towns with steel helms and body armor who totally should have had at least copper/iron but the higher armor level prevents it being spawned. Not sure exactly what it does, beyond changing whether or not clothes rot in fort mode, which is why I had changed it originally, trying to figure that out.


2016-07-10 23:06

reporter   ~0035595

"user incompetence" Best tag ever, Max. I'm using that next time I become a derpdragon and make a blunder of a report.

Also, I suspect we might have to slap the "CLOSE THIS" tag on it or they'll never take notice of this. it seems "oops this was not a bug" issues never seem to get closed unless you do that.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-06-20 15:10 Max_TM New Issue
2016-06-20 16:13 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035435
2016-06-20 16:15 chaosvolt Note Edited: 0035435
2016-06-20 16:43 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035436
2016-06-20 17:34 Max_TM Note Added: 0035437
2016-06-20 17:40 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035438
2016-06-20 17:56 Max_TM Note Added: 0035439
2016-06-21 22:16 Max_TM Note Added: 0035461
2016-06-22 00:21 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035462
2016-06-22 10:06 Max_TM Note Added: 0035470
2016-06-22 10:48 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035471
2016-06-22 17:37 Max_TM Note Added: 0035473
2016-06-23 21:12 Max_TM Tag Attached: RESOLVED
2016-07-10 19:27 Max_TM Tag Attached: user incompetence
2016-07-10 23:06 chaosvolt Note Added: 0035595
2016-07-10 23:06 chaosvolt Tag Attached: CLOSE THIS
2016-07-10 23:52 Loci Status new => resolved
2016-07-10 23:52 Loci Resolution open => no change required
2016-07-10 23:52 Loci Assigned To => Loci
2016-07-10 23:52 Loci Tag Detached: CLOSE THIS
2016-07-10 23:52 Loci Tag Detached: RESOLVED
2016-07-10 23:53 Loci Tag Detached: user incompetence