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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010724Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Itemspublic2018-04-25 11:49
ReporterYetAnotherLurker Assigned ToLoci  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformPCOSWindows 7OS VersionPro 64-bit
Summary0010724: Elven merchants can bring Pedestals made from gems
DescriptionElven merchants can bring Pedestals made from gems. These are occasionally described as "grown", presumably due to wooden decorations on them.

Note that the masterful decorations are from my own dwarves. The 'grown black diamond pedestal' had two wooden decorations on it that probably are the reason for the 'grown' descriptor.

These gem pedestals, like all other gemstone furniture, cannot be stockpiled because the material filters lack that option in stockpile settings.
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0010544 confirmedLoci Elven caravan brought metal (gold, bronze), gem (black diamond) or stone (bismuthinite) pedestal 



2018-04-25 01:10

reporter   ~0038201

The same basic issue (I've seen {occasionally grown} gem/stone ones as well) has been reported as 0010544.


2018-04-25 09:48

reporter   ~0038206

The phenomenon of elf civs making non-wooden items that are nonetheless labeled as "grown" has also been reported in 0009275 and 0010118.


2018-04-25 11:49

viewer   ~0038207

Consolidating elven pedestal problems to 0010544

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-04-24 13:59 YetAnotherLurker New Issue
2018-04-25 01:10 PatrikLundell Note Added: 0038201
2018-04-25 09:48 Huntthetroll Note Added: 0038206
2018-04-25 11:49 Loci Note Added: 0038207
2018-04-25 11:49 Loci Relationship added duplicate of 0010544
2018-04-25 11:49 Loci Status new => resolved
2018-04-25 11:49 Loci Resolution open => duplicate
2018-04-25 11:49 Loci Assigned To => Loci