View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0002011 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Item Improvements/Decorations | public | 2010-05-21 10:14 | 2015-06-02 04:39 |
Reporter | Ducky | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 0.31.04 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.40.06 | ||||
Summary | 0002011: Decorating with bone/horn uses whole stack | ||||
Description | When decorating with bone or horn, the entire stack is used, like it was in 40d. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1. Get a stack of bones. 2. Create one "decorate with bone" job. 3. Watch the stack disappear. | ||||
Tags | bones, crafting, decoration, Holdover from 40d? | ||||
has duplicate | 0001602 | closed | Logical2u | Decorating crafts uses up entire stacks of bone for single decoration. even stacks of 50+ elephant bones. |
has duplicate | 0002531 | resolved | Dwarf uses stack instead of single item for item improvements | |
has duplicate | 0002769 | resolved | Logical2u | Dwarf got mood, used two piles of Elephant - 57 to put rings of bone and spikes of bone on item |
has duplicate | 0004400 | resolved | Bone crafting problem with stacks | |
related to | 0003151 | resolved | Toady One | Shell crafts use up the entire stack |
related to | 0003898 | resolved | Toady One | Entire Bone Stacks are used in Reactions instead of a single Bone |
child of | 0000808 | resolved | Toady One | Processing Raw Turtles only makes one shell per stack, and other stack size issues |
40d had similar issues with crossbows and crafts as well. It would be helpful if someone could verify whether these are still around. # 000104 □ [dwarf mode][jobs][items] ( bone stacks of any size create one bone x-bow (lye/bone crafts also reported) |
Not sure about crossbows, but bone crafts flat-out don't work, like shell crafts. Nothing is produced, and the bone/shell isn't used up. |
I can confirm that crossbows are taking only one bone per crossbow. |
This bug is still present as of 0.31.22. |
This still occurs in 0.34.11. |
Back in 40d, bones and shells were a distinct item type (with stack size and everything), but version 0.31 merged them into the CORPSEPIECE item type which keeps track of how much of each "type" of material is present (e.g. a severed leg could have bones, shells, AND horn/hoof) and doesn't actually set the "stack size" on said items (it 'fakes' it by explicitly formatting it into the item name when it's only made of a single material). As a result, every job which uses bone/shell/ivory/horn needs special logic to use this special "stack size", and this is one of the cases which is missing that special logic. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-05-21 10:14 | Ducky | New Issue | |
2010-05-21 10:14 | Ducky | Tag Attached: bones | |
2010-05-21 10:15 | Ducky | Tag Attached: crafting | |
2010-05-21 10:15 | Ducky | Tag Attached: decoration | |
2010-05-21 10:15 | Ducky | Tag Attached: Holdover from 40d? | |
2010-05-21 10:34 |
Note Added: 0007131 | |
2010-05-21 10:35 |
Note Edited: 0007131 | |
2010-05-21 15:45 | Logical2u | Relationship added | has duplicate 0001602 |
2010-05-22 19:47 | Ducky | Note Added: 0007210 | |
2010-05-22 20:06 |
Relationship added | related to 0000206 |
2010-06-22 09:02 |
Relationship added | child of 0000347 |
2010-06-22 09:04 |
Relationship added | child of 0000808 |
2010-06-22 09:04 |
Relationship deleted | child of 0000347 |
2010-06-22 09:04 |
Relationship deleted | related to 0000206 |
2010-06-30 22:24 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0002531 |
2010-07-01 23:25 | ChickenLips | Note Added: 0009500 | |
2010-07-20 04:34 | Logical2u | Relationship added | has duplicate 0002769 |
2010-09-03 16:32 | Logical2u | Relationship added | parent of 0003151 |
2011-01-18 12:34 | Logical2u | Relationship added | parent of 0003898 |
2011-03-27 11:04 | Lord_Dakstar | Note Added: 0016679 | |
2011-03-31 01:16 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0004400 |
2012-04-17 08:54 |
Relationship added | related to 0005816 |
2012-05-14 08:42 |
Relationship deleted | related to 0005816 |
2013-03-31 09:04 | lethosor | Note Added: 0023915 | |
2013-04-01 08:53 | Quietust | Note Added: 0023916 | |
2014-07-30 12:12 | Toady One | Relationship replaced | related to 0003898 |
2014-07-30 12:12 | Toady One | Relationship replaced | related to 0003151 |
2014-07-30 12:12 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2014-07-30 12:12 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2014-07-30 12:12 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-07-30 12:12 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |