| | 0002401 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Text | major | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-20 | Delete Key workaround broken |
| | 0002398 | 2 | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Equipment | major | | 2010-06-20 | Dwarf cancels Pickup Equipment: Too injured |
| | 0002384 | 2 | Dwarf Mode -- Buildings, Cages and Chains | major | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-20 | Dwarves moving caged animals/monsters out of stockpile always results in the creature being released. |
| | 0002192 | 4 | Adventure Mode -- AI | trivial | new | 2010-06-20 | Sometimes fighting near beds in towns causes enemies to sleep in mid fight |
| | 0002391 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Embark/Setup | feature | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-20 | Embark In Mountains |
| | 0002385 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Status | crash | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-20 | Crash when viewing Dwarves |
| | 0002386 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, General | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-20 | Fortress Location: Cannot press Escape during Aquifer warning |
| | 0002390 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-20 | Squad not attacking when told to |
| | 0000112 | 8 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Manager | minor | | 2010-06-19 | Ordering a traction bench to be made through the manager doesn't show material types |
| | 0002380 | 8 | Dwarf Mode -- Embark/Setup | minor | | 2010-06-19 | Escape to options menu overrides escaping out of embark warning |
| | 0002383 | 1 | Init Options | trivial | | 2010-06-19 | Inability to return to embark planning if user selects location with an aquifer |
| | 0002381 | 2 | Miscellaneous Crashes | crash | | 2010-06-19 | Crash when examining anything through "Look around" |
| | 0002382 | 2 | Dwarf Mode -- Invasions | minor | | 2010-06-19 | Trolls in sieges listed as civilian professions |
| | 0002376 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Trade | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-19 | Offerings in Civ screen and Becoming the Capital screen do not match |
| | 0001082 | 1 | Technical -- General | trivial | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-19 | RSS feeds need more than just the most recent entry. |
| | 0002338 | 7 | Miscellaneous Crashes | crash | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-19 | Freeze up while returning to Object Testing Arena (assume control return) |
| | 0000020 | 12 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Embark | trivial | | 2010-06-19 | Can't use Esc to return to main menu from "Choose Fortress Location" and preparing for embark. |
| | 0002353 | 8 | Dwarf Mode -- Trade | major | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-19 | Traders leaving items behind and/or dwarves taking all of their stuff |
| | 0002366 | 8 | Dwarf Mode -- Artifacts | minor | | 2010-06-18 | Dwarf gains no skill for creating artifact mechanism |
| | 0000343 | | Dwarf Mode -- Trade | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-18 | Expedition leader won't complete "Conduct Meeting" |
| | 0002358 | 6 | Artistic Images (engravings etc) | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-18 | Engraver masterpiece message with (apparently) no masterpiece |
| | 0002365 | 1 | General | major | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-18 | Soap Maker's Workshop reverts to "Custom Workshop" after reloading game |
| | 0001230 | 4 | Dwarf Mode -- Items | trivial | | 2010-06-18 | Goblin grows 'attached' to a weapon while caged and inactive. |
| | 0002364 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Cages and Chains | feature | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-17 | Show genders of animals on cage assignment list |
| | 0002265 | 4 | Technical -- General | minor | | 2010-06-17 | Graphics problem - laggy |
| | 0002359 | 5 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | crash | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-17 | Crash in military screen caused by killed squad |
| | 0002305 | 4 | Dwarf Mode -- Items | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-16 | Dead dwarf's possessions instantly transferred to another dwarf |
| | 0002361 | | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Farming/Farmer's Workshop | major | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-16 | Planted seeds disappearing at season changes |
| | 0001278 | 2 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Tasks | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-16 | "render fat" option not available at kitchen if horse fat is the only available fat |
| | 0002356 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Diplomacy | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-16 | "Pets" entries in requests window are doubled |
| | 0002355 | 2 | Dwarf Mode -- Diplomacy | minor | new | 2010-06-16 | Diplomat leaves to underground edge of map |
| | 0002351 | | Dwarf Mode -- Items | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | Endless naming of Bronze pickaxe |
| | 0002334 | 7 | Technical -- General | major | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | No more autosave? |
| | 0002348 | 3 | Combat -- Stuck-ins | major | | 2010-06-15 | Ocean Steam Titan unkillable, impotent |
| | 0002072 | 6 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, General | tweak | | 2010-06-15 | Hitting two keys in quick succession can result in wrong menu being opened |
| | 0002344 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Constructions (walls etc) | major | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | Masons idling despite pending Wall constructions that go unassigned |
| | 0002345 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Farm Plots | trivial | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | Farm plots build able on glass where water touched. |
| | 0002342 | 1 | General | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | You can make all weapons&armor from 'native' ores in the arena, and I think there could be a relationship with the rock bars bug |
| | 0002340 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, General | minor | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | Dead antmen show up in units list, never met them |
| | 0000536 | 20 | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Military | crash | | 2010-06-15 | Crash after unpausing - militia commander's squad info doesn't point back at squad |
| | 0002328 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Moods | crash | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | Crash when looking into dwarf's mind |
| | 0002337 | 2 | Technical -- General | major | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | Viewing too many issues causes a Mantis error - please limit your filter to 500 results |
| | 0002333 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Skills and Professions | tweak | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | Lack of dwarf initial social skills is silly |
| | 0001784 | 6 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | crash | | 2010-06-15 | Militia commander causes crash |
| | 0001593 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | crash | | 2010-06-15 | Sleeping Militia Commander causes crash - SAVE INCLUDED |
| | 0000910 | 4 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | crash | | 2010-06-15 | Reproducible crash with save, possibly caused by dwarf who can't be removed from military and gets a mood |
| | 0000452 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | crash | | 2010-06-15 | Training military dwarf causes crash - Includes Save Game |
| | 0000384 | 2 | General | crash | | 2010-06-15 | Militia commander causes crash |
| | 0000233 | 5 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | crash | | 2010-06-15 | Crash with general "encountered problem" error involving military units. |
| | 0000204 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Military | crash | | 2010-06-15 | Reproducible crash - military related |