0000149: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Military] When ordered to attack, squads can get distracted chasing harmless animals (Toady One)
0000721: [Adventure Mode -- Combat] Mortal wounds frequently don't kill, hearts/throats barely bleed, disembowelment rare (Toady One)
0000451: [Reactions] Reactions screen product list duplicates the last reagent (Toady One)
0000361: [Dwarf Mode -- Combat] Cannot get dwarves to use crossbows properly (Toady One)
0000692: [Dwarf Mode -- Combat] Extended Combat with Zombie Giant Eagle (Toady One)
0000076: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Hunting] Hunters not hunting (Toady One)
0002146: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Military Screen] once assigned ammunition does not clear on delete assignment (Toady One)
0000625: [Creatures] Flesh Balls (Toady One)
0000332: [Dwarf Mode -- Stockpiles] Raw files parsed in strict alphabetic order in Linux but not Windows, causing ID mismatches for saves moved between systems (Toady One)
0001110: [Items] impact yield and impact fracture the same for all metals, unbalances combat (Toady One)
0000262: [Reactions] Render Fat job not in menu at kitchen, works in manager (Toady One)
       0000372: [Reactions] Soap maker workshop does not have the "make soap" option; via manager works OK (Toady One)
0000084: [Dwarf Mode -- Military] Individual choice ranged/melee apparently ignores whether weapon is ranged or melee (Toady One)
0000723: [Adventure Mode -- Combat] Projectiles that stick-in bleed until removed, and bleed forever if they stick in cheeks, fingers, etc., with no kill credit (Toady One)
0002074: [Combat -- General] Combat text reports bones as "shattered" or "bruised" much more often than "fractured" (Toady One)
0002238: [General] Full screen mode on PPC Mac is a shade of yellow, except where green normally. - OSX (Baughn)
0001200: [Dwarf Mode -- Buildings, General] All custom workshops turn into "Custom Workshop" if they're constructed before saving game (Toady One)
0000639: [Geology] Some impact elasticity values are clearly wrong (Toady One)
0001009: [Items] Empty bags are too heavy -- cloth bags weigh 30 kg, silk 10 kg (Toady One)
0000297: [Items] Bronze shields, gauntlets and boots weigh less than 1 kilogram (Toady One)
       0001386: [Items] High boots weigh about 1/33 as much as low boots. (Toady One)
0002485: [Init Options] [MACRO_MS:#] Does not appear to introduce any delay between macro instructions (Baughn)
22 issues View Issues