| | 0011894 | | Creatures | major | new | 2022-07-26 | Creatures with NOBREATHE and NONAUSEA still retch on miasma and have troubled thoughts about it |
| | 0011893 | | Creatures | minor | new | 2022-07-26 | Several creature tokens not respected by needs |
| | 0004665 | 4 | Dwarf Mode -- Thoughts and Preferences | minor | | 2018-10-31 | "Prefers to consume [animal]" not working properly |
| | 0008923 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Thoughts and Preferences | minor | resolved (user1294) | 2015-04-20 | Migrants have emotions from witnessing events at the fortress that happened before they arrived |
| | 0008509 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Thoughts and Preferences | tweak | resolved (user6) | 2014-11-03 | Migrants experience crippling sadness because of separation from loved ones |
| | 0008488 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit View | trivial | | 2014-11-02 | Artifact name missing from thought: "I shall name you . That was very satisfying!" |
| | 0000008 | 82 | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, General | minor | | 2014-09-11 | Dwarves voluntarily work until hungry/thirsty/starving/dehydrated, get bad thoughts, can even die (and make low-quality stuff) |
| | 0000525 | 19 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | minor | | 2014-08-23 | Peasants in the military receive bad thoughts when going off duty. |
| | 0003945 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Immigration | trivial | resolved (user6) | 2014-08-21 | Migrant children born in the future. |
| | 0002439 | 6 | Dwarf Mode -- Military | minor | new | 2014-07-13 | Military dwarves are automatically dismissed and re-drafted each month, leading to a guaranteed bad thought |
| | 0002219 | 6 | Dwarf Mode -- Artifacts | minor | new | 2014-01-26 | Legends says stolen artifact "was lost in an unknown site" |
| | 0001261 | 1 | Dwarf Mode -- Artifacts | minor | new | 2011-10-26 | Dwarf doesn't mind artifact theft |
| | 0004115 | 4 | Dwarf Mode -- Rooms | minor | new | 2011-08-27 | Dwarves eat in whatever chair seems convenient, then complain about a lack of dining tables |
| | 0004660 | 6 | Dwarf Mode -- Thoughts and Preferences | minor | resolved (user11) | 2011-06-28 | Booze quality not working properly |
| | 0003507 | 2 | Dwarf Mode -- Pets | minor | new | 2010-11-29 | Pet Cat Eats Pet Roach, Mayhem Does Not Ensue. |
| | 0000726 | 4 | Dwarf Mode -- Moods | crash | resolved (user11) | 2010-10-11 | Cannot View Thoughts & Prefs |
| | 0002328 | 3 | Dwarf Mode -- Moods | crash | resolved (user6) | 2010-06-15 | Crash when looking into dwarf's mind |
| | 0000303 | 20 | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Cooking and Food | minor | | 2010-06-13 | Cook gets angered by "art defacement" because liquid meals melt when eaten |