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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000753Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2020-02-18 13:53
Reportermrdudeguy Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000753: Merchants bring barrels of blood and tears
DescriptionThe first group of traders brought 10-20 barrels of blood.
Tagsblood, Intentional/Expected?, item, trade


has duplicate 0001468 closeduser6 Human traders brought blood barrels 
has duplicate 0010351 resolveduser11 Merchants arrive with multiple barrels of blood 
related to 0003088 new Blood in barrels cannot be dumped 
related to 0001741 confirmeduser6 No stockpile toggles for barrels of blood/tears 
related to 0003398 new Frozen milk and blood barrels cannot be stored 
related to 0001044 resolvedToady One Human Traders Brought "liquid" 



2010-04-07 17:01

reporter   ~0001890

And they're not supposed to?


2010-04-07 19:41

reporter   ~0001918

how exactly is this a bug?


2010-04-07 22:45

reporter   ~0001954

Bringing entire barrels full of blood does not exactly seem like intended behavior. Seriously, I don't think it's even useful.


2010-04-08 00:48

reporter   ~0001974

I don't think this is a bug. but you have a point. Why do they bring blood? Are we supposed to buy this blood? Why? What would we do with it? It doesn't seem to serve any function.

I suppose its no different than them bringing unusable plant extracts as trade goods. But then, that doesn't really make sense either.


2010-04-08 01:36

reporter   ~0001980

Barrels of cow blood: ok I can understand that. It's when they bring barrels filled with monarch butterfly ichor that I start to wonder.


2010-04-08 01:40

reporter   ~0001981

Perhaps this will be a more useful feature down the line, when things like alchemy and magic are working and require reagents, so I would imagine it's intended.


2010-04-08 06:51

reporter   ~0002013

Perhaps there was a vampire fort just down the road.


2010-04-08 07:40

reporter   ~0002025

Perhaps used for cooking? Its a valid item used in foodstuffs for a very long time in the real world.

That being said, I don't know if blood is marked properly as an edible / cooking enabled item, but the forum project to clean up the raws addresses this i think.


2010-04-08 08:19

reporter   ~0002034

Same thing encountered here...
Klingon bloodwine anyone?:P
Maybe this can be worked into a feature by enabling kitchen/still to use blood(Some cuisine use (processed)blood for cooking, But I have no idea if blood has ever been used for alcohols in reality...)
If blood's ever going to be made into food...there are still bugs with cooking liquid AFAIK...


2010-04-08 09:57

reporter   ~0002063

If we had some way of removing the blood from the barrel we could make a blood bath or other "interesting" features but as it stands its just takeing up space that beer could be taking.


2010-04-08 10:02

reporter   ~0002069

@GauHelldragon: Yeah, I got barrels of firefly ichor with my first caravan. Must have been a small barrel, as there were only 10 units of the stuff (or each unit took hundreds of fireflies to get).


2010-04-23 15:14

reporter   ~0004787

Last edited: 2010-04-23 15:15

Considering the fact that there are actual RL recipes that use blood (like blood sausage for example)I also don´t see it as bug.

At least getting blood as trade objects (I hope that it really can get used in meals...if not, I would rather consider this to be a bug ;) )

As for getting butterfly ichor...
well, considering the fact that we get other strange things like, for example, firefly brains and are able to turn them into meals, I assume it seems to be rather normal in the world of dwarf fortress



2010-04-25 16:24

reporter   ~0005054

Likely because blood is considered an animal extract such as venom and milk.


2010-05-04 05:10

reporter   ~0006085

As a workaround for emptying the barrels; forbid the blood, then have the barrel be taken to the trade depot. A dwarf should then move the barrel and leave the blood in the stockpile. I accidentally wasted a stockpile full of gnomeblight this way.


2013-04-18 17:41

reporter   ~0023946

I'm reasonably certain, from hearing Toady speak about it in at least one podcast, that this is UNINTENDED behaviour, a result of these items being classified as foodstuffs. Alas, there is no [trade-exempt] tag to prevent these things from appearing in strange quantities (like the barrels full of insect brains), so the materials are collected, just like everything else.


2014-11-14 07:13

reporter   ~0030983

There are pages of different blood available on embark.
Not bad as such, but could take some adjustments. Like making it uncommon for traders (without request) and a few applications in cooking/brewing.

Also, could vampires drink animal blood when it's available in barrels?


2015-03-09 14:25

reporter   ~0032355

Last edited: 2015-03-09 14:25

Heh I still get "liquid" from my caravans even in 0.40


2015-03-09 16:23


Reminder sent to: Terff

The bringing 'liquid' bug wasn't fixed until 40.06 - are you using a more current version?


2017-11-26 13:05

reporter   ~0037033

This stopped for blood without attached syndromes in 43.something, but has started up again in 44.01.


2017-11-28 21:51

viewer   ~0037091


I don't recall blood barrels ever being blocked. Here's a trading-test save I created in v0.43.05; the dwarven caravan is offering barrels of hamster blood and wombat blood, among others:


2020-02-18 13:53

reporter   ~0040105

Still present in 47.03, the only jobs that handle extracts from animals particularly are animal dissectors which as Quietust remarked in 0001044 c24799 the [USE_ANIMAL_PRODUCTS] not using robust enough checks.

Dwarves have precedent to trade cave spider venom because they can extract it using the 'Extract from a dead animal' job in conjunction with a vial from trapped living cave spiders (the job's name is incorrect in this regard, perhaps referring to vermin small remains). The job also processes & butchers creepy crawlers, as to redeem seemingly any usable material or asset from the living vermin item without any kind of specified target.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-07 16:57 mrdudeguy New Issue
2010-04-07 17:01 Lemunde Note Added: 0001890
2010-04-07 19:41 ercdvs Note Added: 0001918
2010-04-07 22:45 G-Flex Note Added: 0001954
2010-04-08 00:48 derigo Note Added: 0001974
2010-04-08 01:36 GauHelldragon Note Added: 0001980
2010-04-08 01:40 timferius Note Added: 0001981
2010-04-08 06:51 anti-paragon Note Added: 0002013
2010-04-08 07:40 ercdvs Note Added: 0002025
2010-04-08 08:19 NoctisVampire Note Added: 0002034
2010-04-08 09:57 mrdudeguy Note Added: 0002063
2010-04-08 09:57 mrdudeguy Tag Attached: trade
2010-04-08 09:58 mrdudeguy Tag Attached: blood
2010-04-08 09:59 mrdudeguy Tag Attached: item
2010-04-08 10:02 Draco18s Note Added: 0002069
2010-04-09 17:17 kaefermelder Tag Attached: Not a bug
2010-04-23 14:53 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0001468
2010-04-23 15:14 Proteus Note Added: 0004787
2010-04-23 15:15 Proteus Note Edited: 0004787
2010-04-25 16:24 Myxine Note Added: 0005054
2010-05-04 05:10 maanahr Note Added: 0006085
2012-02-19 15:27 user6 Tag Attached: Intentional/Expected?
2013-03-08 04:23 user11 Tag Detached: Not a bug
2013-04-18 17:41 TerryDactyl Note Added: 0023946
2014-07-18 08:47 user6 Relationship added related to 0003088
2014-07-18 08:47 user6 Relationship added related to 0001741
2014-07-18 08:47 user6 Relationship added related to 0003398
2014-07-18 08:48 user6 Relationship added related to 0001044
2014-07-18 08:48 user6 Summary Traders bring Blood => Merchants bring barrels of blood and tears
2014-11-14 07:13 TBeholder Note Added: 0030983
2015-03-09 14:25 Terff Note Added: 0032355
2015-03-09 14:25 Terff Note Edited: 0032355
2015-03-09 16:23 user11 Note Added: 0032360
2017-11-24 18:08 user11 Relationship added has duplicate 0010351
2017-11-26 13:05 Button Note Added: 0037033
2017-11-28 21:51 Loci Note Added: 0037091
2020-02-18 13:53 FantasticDorf Note Added: 0040105